We use a number of standard genealogical abbreviations in our family tree notes, as well as some abbreviations of our own, so we have put together the list below in case you would like to know what these odd words in the notes mean. If you find an abbreviation not listed below, please contact us so we can add them to the list.
Many of the abbreviations below refer to sources used for information. We will be adding sources to each tree when we can do a can do a complete update on it. Meanwhile, if you have questions about the sources used for particular entries, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide more information..
1910A, 1920A, 1920H, etc. | Federal census for that year (A and H stand for Ancestry and HeritageQuest) |
b. | born |
bcert | Birth Certificate |
bdate | birth date |
bdi | British Death Index |
bur | burial |
bwdi | Death Index for Britain and Wales |
cabi | California Birth Index from sfgenealogy.com |
cabisf, cbisf | California Birth Index from sfgenealogy.com |
ccdi | Cook County Death Index |
ccdifs | Cook County Death Index from familysearch |
ccmi | Cook County Marriage Index |
ccvr | Cook County Vital Records |
cdi | California Death Index |
cdisf | California Death Index from sfgenealogy.com |
cdiv | California Divorce Index |
cdivs, cdi-vs | California Death Index from vitalsearch |
cemet | cemetery |
cmi | California Marriage Index |
cmisf | California Marriage Index - sfgenealogy.com |
cmivs | California Marriage Index - VitalSearch |
cplnf | Cleveland Public Library Necrology File |
d. | died |
dcert | Death Certificate |
dcertp | Death Certificate of parent or person |
ddate, dod | date of death |
d/o | daughter of |
dreg | death registration |
emp, empl | employed |
fa | father |
fag | findagrave.com |
fam int | information from family member |
fam tree | information from family tree |
fbmd | freebmd.org.uk |
fdi | Florida Death Index |
fgs | family group sheet |
fi | information from family |
freebmd | freebmd.org.uk |
fsodb | Ohio Deaths and Burials - Family Search |
ft | Family Tree |
ftjp | Family Tree of the Jewish People - JewishGen |
gbwbi | Great Britain & Wales Birth Index |
geni | geni.com |
genpals | Genpals Cemetery Index |
GRO, gro | General Record Office (England & Wales) |
idi | Illinois Death Index |
iic, iicm, iiic | Irwin I Cohn Michigan Jewish Cemetery Index |
immig | immigrated |
jcam | Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts |
jdata | jewishdata.com |
jowbr | JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry |
jri | JRI-Poland.org |
lds | familysearch.org |
marr | marriage, married |
mbbi | Mannitoba Birth Index |
mcert | marriage license or certificate |
mcmarr | Marion County, Indiana Marriages |
mdi, midi | Michigan Death Index |
med | medium |
mo | mother |
mylife | mylife public records site |
nmi | Nevada Marriage Index |
nybig | New York City Births - Italian Genealogy Group |
nycbgg, nycbggg | New York City Births - German Genealogy Group |
nycbi | New York City Birth Index |
nycbig | New York City Birth Index - German genealogy group |
nycdgg | New York City Deaths - German Genealogy Group |
nycdig | New York City Deaths - Italian Genealogy Group |
nycmig | New York City Marriages - Italian Genealogy Group |
nydeath | New York Deaths |
nydig | New York City Deaths - Italian Genealogy Group |
nymig | New York City Marriages - Italian Genealogy Group |
oakgov | Oakland County, Michigan Record Search Results |
ocr | optical character recognition |
odt | Obituary Daily Times - Rootsweb |
ohdi | Ohio Death Index |
passlei | Ellis Island Passenger List |
pri | Public Records Index |
pri1 | Public Records Index - Volume 1 |
reg | registered |
res | residence |
sgt | Sergeant |
soc sec | Social Security |
ssaci | Social Security Applications and Claims Index |
ssdi | Social Security Death Index |
thejc | The Jewish Chronicle (England) |
ver | Veromi (public records) |
wrhs | Case Western Reserve Historical Society |
ww1 | World War I Draft Registration |
ww2 | World War II Draft Registration |
Please note that we have done our best to not include the names of living family members in our trees, in order to protect their privacy. If you have questions, find any errors, have information to add, find any information which should be privatized, or just want to say hello, please do contact us .
Page modified February 05, 2020 11:13 PM UTC
Page Created by The Cohens
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