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Feldberg Family Tree - Name Index
ABRAMOWITZ, Henry - born 1910, New York
ABRAMOWITZ, Samuel - born 1880, Romania
ABRAMOWITZ, Sylvia - born 1906, New York
ALKINOVITZ, Diana - born
ALLEN, Armand Calvin - born 1910, Colorado died 1984, California
ALLEN, John Calvin - born 1886, Kansas died 1960, Los Angeles
ALLEN, Karen Lynn - born 1941, California died 1996, Washingon
ALLEN, Russell Armand - born 1952, California died 2022, Florida
ALLEN, Sandra Jeanne - born 1939, California died 2021, California
ALLEN, William Louis - born 1921, California died 2020, California
ALPERT, Israel - born 1888, Russia
ALPERT, Ralph - born 1914, Massachusetts died 1993, USA
ARNOLD, Adele Edith - born 1914, Missouri died 2007, California
ARNOLD, Fred J. - born 1891, Missouri died 1951
ARNOLD, Saunders - born 1913, Missouri died 2000, USA
ARNOLD, Selma - born 1916, Missouri died 2010, Illinois
BAKER, Ethel - born 1926, Missouri died 2017, Massachusetts
BAKER, Jacob - born 1912, Kentucky died 1986, Los Angeles
BALL, Gertrude - born 1896, Russia
BALSHAN, Abe - born
BASS, Ethel - born 1893, Illinois died 1963, Illinois
BEFFMAN, Dorothy - born 1921, Illinois
BEFFMAN, Mandel - born 1892, Russia died 1971, Illinois
BEFFMAN, Samuel - born 1918, Massachusetts died 1942, Illinois
BENDERSKY, Albert - born 1917, Illinois died 1983, FL
BENSON, Pearl - born 1916, New York
BERGER, Bessie Rose - born 1892, New Jersey died 1980, IL
BERGER, Dina - born 1888, Austria
BERGER, Dorothy - born 1860, Russia died 1922, Illinois
BERGER, Ellen Louise - born 1921, Illinois died 2021, Illinois
BERGER, Harold - born 1924, Illinois died 2013, Illinois
BERGER, Helen Shirley - born 1921, Illinois died 1999
BERGER, Hyman - born
BERGER, Jacob - born 1894, Illinois died 1958, Illinois
BERGER, Joseph - born 1899, Illinois died 1963
BERGER, Mandel - born 1896, Illinois died 1930, Illinois
BERGER, Morris - born 1868, Austria died 1936, Illinois
BERGER?, Bessie - born 1867, Austria died
BLACHER, Leon Louis - born 1919 died 2010, California
BLACHER, Robyn Diane - born 1952, CA died 1952, Los Angeles
BLANK, Sade - born 1901, Missouri
BLOOMFIELD, Esther - born 1906, Illinois
BRAUDT, LaNece Marie - born 1895, Wisconsin died 1972, Hernando Florida
BRAUN, Rose - born Hungary
BRAUNFELD, Rosie - born Hungary
BRAVERMAN, Abraham - born 1927, Missouri died 2018, Kansas
BRAVERMAN, Rose - born 1880, Russia died 1939, Illinois
BRAWNER, Betty A - born 1931, Michigan died 2000, Ohio
BRODSKY, Vera - born 1896, Missouri died 1985, USA
BROWN, Abe A. - born 1912
BROWN, Elizabeth - born 1899, Missouri
BROWN, Margaret Rita - born 1919 died 2004, Ohio
BUNCHER, Alvin Leonard - born 1928, Pennsylvania died 2014, Pennsyvania
BUNCHER, Bernard Robert - born 1923, Pennsylvania died 2000
BUNCHER, Evelyn - born 1925, Pennsylvania died 2019, Missouri
BUNCHER, Jeannette - born 1912, Russia died 2006, California
BUNCHER, Mildred - born 1922, Pennsylvania died 1998
BUNCHER, Peter - born 1892, Poland Russia died 1976
CANNADY, Maxine Louise - born 1910, California died 2003, USA
CANTOR, Celia - born
CASADA, ?? - born
CHAITMAN, - born
CHUCHACHUFSKY, Yeshua - born
CHUCHENSKY, Anna - born 1881, Russia
COHAN, Albert - born 1916, Illinois died 2009, Florida
COHAN, Cyrena Helene - born 1930, Illinois died 2010, California
COHAN, David D. - born 1893, Minnesota died 1983, California
COHEN, Albert - born 1903, Illinois died 1985, USA
COHEN, Anna - born 1888, Illinois died 1956, California
COHEN, Bernard B - born 1906, Illinois died 1998, USA
COHEN, Bernice - born 1904, Illinois
COHEN, Charles - born 1876, N Y died 1943, Illinois
COHEN, Edith - born 1913, Illinois died 2011, Florida
COHEN, Eugene N - born 1906, Illinois died 1965, Illinois
COHEN, Fannie Esther - born 1866, Poland died 1950, USA
COHEN, Gerald J - born 1902, Illinois died 1977, Los Angeles
COHEN, Goldie - born 1885, New York died 1975, USA
COHEN, Henry S - born 1879, New York died 1962, California
COHEN, Ida - born 1891, MN died 1978, Ill
COHEN, Irving - born 1925, New York died 2019, New York
COHEN, Irving - born 1909, Illinois died 1931, Illinois
COHEN, Isadore - born 1914, Illinois
COHEN, Max - born 1881, New York City died 1969, Illinois
COHEN, Mildred Muriel - born 1921, California died 2023
COHEN, Milton Nathan - born 1921, Illinois died 1995, California
COHEN, Samuel Robert - born 1897, New York died 1959, California
COHEN, Sidney - born 1911, Illinois
COHEN, Simon - born 1874, Russia/Germany died 1930, Illinois
COHEN, Simon Samuel - born 1858, Germany/Poland/Russia died 1922, USA
COHEN, Sylvan S - born 1912, California died 1970, Los Angeles
COHEN, Whitney Zaine - born 1986, CA died 1986, California
COHEN, Zelda - born 1923, United States died 1950, California
COHEN AKA OCONYINSKI, Aleksander - born 1810, Russian/Poland died New York
COHN, Harris - born 1860, Russian Poland or Germany
COLE, Harvey Paul - born 1915, Illinois died 1975, Georgia
COLE, Irwin - born 1916, Illinois died 1997, California
COLE, Susan Frances - born 1948, Illinois died 2021, Massachusetts
COOPER, Rae - born 1904, New York died 1972, Minnesota
CORDELL, Julius Stanley - born 1911 died 1989, Florida
COSOY, Edythe - born
CRASON, Dolores - born 1928 died 2013
DANIELS, Louis - born Poland died Poland
DANIELS, Mollie - born 1825, Poland died 1916, Missouri
DOLGIN, Max - born 1914 died 2004, Illinois
DOLIN, Daniel Maurice - born 1924, Illinois died 1988, California
DONIEL, Viola - born died
DUBINSKY, Ella M - born 1890, Pennsylvania died 1982, MA
DUBINSKY, Ida Ethel - born 1898, Massachusetts died 1991, California
DUBINSKY, Max (1) - born 1845, Russia/Lithuania died 1920, USA
DUBINSKY, Michael - born 1897, Pennsylvania
DUBINSKY, Morris J. - born 1867, Russia (now Lithuania) died 1949
DUBINSKY??, Deana - born 1886, Russia
DUBINSKY??, Lena - born 1867, Russia died 1944, USA
DUBOV?, Sarah - born 1915 died 2004, Minnesota
DUBY, Max - born 1887, PA or Russian Germany died 1933, Illinois
DUBY, Sally - born 1913, Massachusetts died 1978, IL
EFFENBEIN, Sheindel - born
EISENBERG, Alex - born 1911, Illinois died 1970, California
EISENBERG, Barry Steven - born 1939, California died 1991, Los Angeles
EISENBERG, Beatrice Selda - born 1915, Massachusetts died 1973, Los Angeles
EISENBERG, Edward B - born 1888, Illinois died 1971, Los Angeles
EISENBERG, Josephine M - born 1924, Massachusetts died 2010, California
EISENBERG, Julia - born 1919, Massachusetts died 1969, California
EISENBERG, Lillian - born 1916, Illinois died 1994, Los Angeles
EISENBERG, Schensen - born
EISENBERG, Sidney Samuel - born 1893, Russia
EISENBERG, Sylvia - born 1919, Illinois died 2004, USA
EPPELE, Frances Juanita - born 1926 died 2016, United States of America
EPPELE, Francis Joseph - born 1900 died 1981
FARINELLI, Nancy - born died 1993, Massachusetts
FELDBERG, Anita Ruth - born 1917, Ill died 2006, Ill
FELDBERG, Beatrice - born 1884, Poland died 1943, Chicago IL
FELDBERG, Bertha - born 1895, Illinois died 1974, Illinois
FELDBERG, Eleanor Etta - born 1913, IL died 1993, Illinois
FELDBERG, Esther - born 1890, Missouri died 1966, Illinois
FELDBERG, Eva - born 1896, Illinois died 1956, Illinois
FELDBERG, George C. - born 1887, New York died 1955, Illinois
FELDBERG, Isaac - born Poland/Russia/Germany
FELDBERG, Isadore - born 1888, New York died 1955, IL
FELDBERG, Jerrold A - born 1951 died 1975, Illinois
FELDBERG, Leonore - born 1915, Illinois died 2000, California
FELDBERG, Lester - born 1912, Illinois died 1963, Illinois
FELDBERG, Lillian - born 1915, IL died 2000, Ill
FELDBERG, Marian - born 1890, Missouri died 1964, Illinois
FELDBERG, Morris - born 1860, Poland died 1925, Illinois
FELDBERG, Rose - born 1873, Poland died 1953, Illinois
FELDBERG, Sarah - born 1858, Poland died 1917, Louisiana
FELDBERG, Sidney - born 1911, Ill died 1976, IL
FELDMAN, Ethel - born 1919, Russia died 2000, Minnesota
FELLION, William Roy - born 1917, New York died 1995, New Mexico
FEUERMAN, Blanche - born 1898, USA died 1975, Los Angeles
FEURZEIG, Anna Eva - born 1885
FEURZEIG, Beila - born 1878, Poland died 1951, New York
FEURZEIG, Edith - born 1916, Wisconsin died 1998
FEURZEIG, Henry - born 1905, Illinois
FEURZEIG, Israel - born 1912, Illinois
FEURZEIG, Jean - born 1906
FEURZEIG, Jennie - born 1874, Poland
FEURZEIG, Jonas - born 1908, Illinois
FEURZEIG, Louis - born 1879, Austria/Poland died 1957, California
FEURZEIG, Mandel - born 1850, Austria died 1890, Austria/Hungary
FEURZEIG, Mandell - born 1903, New York
FEURZEIG, Mary - born 1888, Austria
FEURZEIG, Menashe - born 1870, Poland
FEURZEIG, Nathan - born 1909, Illinois
FEURZEIG, Sadie - born 1890, Austria died 1984, Illinois
FINE, Bernard - born 1923 died 2022, Illinois
FORGASH, Clara - born
FRANK, Paulina - born 1879, Germany
FREEDMAN, Rena - born 1920, Russia died 1995, California
FRIEDBERG, Rose - born
FRIEDLANDER, Dorothy - born 1906, Illinois died 1998, Ill
FRIEDLANDER, Edwin - born 1916, Illinois died 1981, Illinois
FRIEDLANDER, Larry Ira - born 1947 died 1994, Wisconsin
FRIEDLANDER, Louis - born 1882, Russia died 1944, Illinois
FRIEDLANDER, Maxine - born 1909, Illinois died 1997, California
FRIEWALD, Joseph - born 1889, Austria
FRIEWALD, Sidney - born 1916
FRIEWALD, Sol - born 1916
FURMAN, Sadie Pauline - born 1904, Russia died 1996
GASTWIRTH, Yonah Yaakov - born Austria/Galicia
GASTWIRTZ, Ida S - born 1857, Austria died 1935, Illinois
GELMAN, Albert Edward - born 1907, Belarus died 1995, Oregon
GELMAN, Stephen Richard - born 1945, Illinois died 2011, Oregon
GERSHOWITZ, Soloman - born
GILBERG, Barnet - born 1857, Russia/Germany died 1928, Louisiana
GINSBURG, Tessie - born 1892, Canada died 1982, California
GLADSTONE, Beverly Jean - born 1927, California died 2006
GLASS, Charles - born
GOLBUS, Stanley Robert - born 1908, Wisconsin died 1954, California
GOLDBERG, Gerald Sheldon - born 1942, Illinois died 2011, Illinois
GOLDBERG, Rebecca - born 1865, Germany/Russia died 1919, Massachusetts
GOLDMAN, Minnie - born
GORCEY, Samuel - born
GORCEY, Shirley Ruth - born 1923, New Jersey died 1994, AZ
GROSS, Arnold - born 1915, New York died 1992, Tennessee
GROSS, Chaim - born
GROSS, Eileen Sue - born 1956, Illinois died 1992, Illinois
GROSS, Hannah - born 1871, Hungary died 1920
GROSS, Helen - born 1886, Hungary
GROSS, Herbert - born 1921, Wisconsin died 2002
GROSS, Herminia - born 1885, Hungary
GROSS, Isadore - born 1890, Hungary died 1967, New York
GROSS, Oscar - born 1918, New York died 1984, New Jersey
GROSS, Pearl Rose - born 1917, New York died 2000, Illinois
GROSS, Rechel - born
GROSS, Robert Nathan - born 1947, D.C. died 2022, Tennessee
GROSS, Samuel - born Hungary
GROSS, Sandor - born 1883, Hungary died 1949, Illinois
GROSS, Tina - born 1914, New York died 1991
GROSZ, Rose - born 1931, Hungary died 2017, Illinois
HAMPSTON, Elizabeth Mary - born 1908, Wisconsin or Michigan died 1952, Illinois
HANDLER, Anna - born 1890, Russia died 1950, IL
HARRIS, Melvin Harold - born 1908
HART, Helen E - born
HATTENBACH, Andrea Lynn - born 1946, California died 1970, California
HATTENBACH, Bertrand Howard - born 1916, New York died 2007, USA
HERRICK, Frances - born 1916
HERRICK, Howard J - born 1890, Iowa died 1918, Iowa
HERRICK, Ruth - born 1914, Iowa died 2000
HERRON, Myra - born 1914, Illinois died 2004, Florida
HERSHENSON, Harry - born
HERSHENSON, Leon Jack - born 1912, Illinois died 2005
HIGLEY, Ruth Dawn - born 1933, Wyoming died 2001, California
HOFFSPEIGEL, Yetta - born 1884, New York
HOFFSPIEGEL, Abe - born 1890, New York
HOFFSPIEGEL, Eva - born 1884, New York died 1950, New York
HOFFSPIEGEL, George - born 1876, New York
HOFFSPIEGEL, Herman - born 1858, Austria Poland-Russia died 1917, New York
HOFFSPIEGEL, Lilly - born 1888, New York
HOFFSPIEGEL, Sarah - born 1886, New York
HOROWITZ, Gertrude - born 1881, Russia died 1962, Illinois
HURWITZ, Bella - born 1885, Russia died 1919, USA
HURWITZ, Louis - born Russia
HURWITZ, Mary - born 1885, Poland Russia died 1960, Illinois
HURWITZ, Samuel - born Poland died Probably Poland
HURWITZ, Sarah - born 1881, Russia died 1951, Illinois
JACOBSON, Baby - born 1947, Pennsylvania died 1947, Pennsylvania
JACOBSON, Gail - born 1942, Illinois died 2015, Illinois
JACOBSON, Harold Lewis - born 1908, Ill died 1992, Ill
JACOBSON, Melvin - born 1921, Pennsylvania died 2008, Florida
JACOBSON, Sidney Marvin - born 1945, Illinois died 2005, Illinois
JACOBY, Pearl Emma - born 1889, Iowa died 1965, Los Angeles
JADWIN, David Horwich - born 1913, Illinois died 1961, New York
JASS, Charles - born 1908, Illinois
JASS, Nathan - born 1880, Austria; Hungary
JASS, Sadelle R - born 1906, Illinois died 1986, USA
JENKINS, Jay Robert - born 1902, Russia died 1981
JOHNSON, Terryl Allen - born 1943 died 2016, South Carolina
JONES, Robert D - born 1916
KALMAN, Nellie - died Illinois
KAPLAN, David Baruch - born 1947, Arizona died 2021, Delaware
KAPLAN, Irving David - born 1914, Illinois died 2006, Texas
KAPLAN, Libby Jean - born 1911, Illinois died 2008, Florida
KAPLAN, Marian Rochelle - born 1943, Arizona died 2021, Texas
KERCHEFSKY, Katie - born 1858, Germany/Russia/Poland died 1933, California
KERCHEFSKY, William - born 1850, Germany/Poland/Russia died 1910, New York
KITAY, Max - born
KLEIN, Sicilie - born
KNEE, Aaron Mendel - born 1851, Romania/Russia died 1911, United States
KNEE, Arnold - born 1912, Illinois died 1981
KNEE, Arthur - born 1917, Illinois
KNEE, Charles Jay - born 1924, Illinois died 1950, California
KNEE, David - born 1919, Illinois died 2012, California
KNEE, David Louis - born 1881, Romania died 1957, Illinois
KNEE, Dorothy June - born 1924, Illinois died 1999, Arizona
KNEE, Dorothy Miriam - born 1923, Illinois died 2015, Washington
KNEE, Evelyn - born 1914, Illinois died 2009, Florida
KNEE, Harry - born 1917, Illinois died 1985
KNEE, Helen - born 1910, Illinois died 2001, Nevada
KNEE, Jacob Charles - born 1893, Romania died 1971, Illinois
KNEE, Jane Arlyn - born 1916, Illinois died 2004, Oregon
KNEE, Joseph Solomon - born 1886, Roumania died 1959, Illinois
KNEE, Kenneth Michael - born 1940, Illinois died 2022, California
KNEE, Lawrence - born 1921, Illinois
KNEE, Manuel Aaron - born 1915, Ill died 1977, Illinois
KNEE, Maurice - born 1890, Romania died 1978, California
KNEE, Oliver - born 1909, Illinois died 1995, Illinois
KNEE, Sadie I - born 1895, Romania died 1976, Arizona
KNIE, David - born Romania
KOLOKOFF, David Paul - born 1955, Illinois died 2010, Texas
KOLOKOFF, Louis - born 1922, New York died 1990, Illinois
KOMITO, Breindel - born 1891
KOMITO, Devorah - born 1893
KOMITO, Esther - born 1888
KOMITO, Judah - born 1881
KOMITO, Louis - born 1850 died 1918, Poland
KOMITO, Regina - born 1881
KOMITO, Sarah - born 1880, Austria/Poland died 1953, California
KOMITO, Yitzchok - born
KOSLOFSKY, William E - born died 2004
KRAM, Jeanine - born Poland
LANDAU, Beverly - born 1920, Illinois died 1981, Illinois
LAS, Moszek - born Poland
LAUER, Otto Bernard - born 1883, Missouri died 1964, Illinois
LAUTER, Lucy Ann - born 1932, Illinois died 2012, Illinois
LAWRENCE, M Larry - born died 1996, USA
LAZARUS, Samuel - born Poland
LAZARUS, Sarah Gertrude - born 1864, Poland died 1936, Illinois
LEIN, Abraham S - born 1861 died 1933, California
LEMBERGER, Abe - born 1905, Poland died 1982, Florida
LEMBERGER, Eva - born 1897, Poland (formerly Austria) died 1994
LEMBERGER, Joe G - born 1907, Poland
LEMBERGER, Max - born 1902
LEMBERGER KOMITO, Paulina - born 1889, Austria died 1946, USA
LEVIN, Louis - born 1914, Illinois died 1988, Arizona
LEVINE, Ida - born 1882, Lithuania died 1944, Massachusetts
LEVY, Irene - born 1910, Indiana died 1992, California
LIEBERMAN, Irving - born 1912, Illinois died 1990, United States
LIEBERMAN, Leon Leo - born 1908 died 1974
LIEBERMAN, Marjorie - born 1941, Illinois died 2013, New York
LINSKY, Morris A - born 1908, Illinois died 1979, Los Angeles
LISS, Benjamin - born 1914, Illinois died 1971, Illinois
LISS, David - born 1889, Poland died 1961, Illinois
LISS, Irwin M. - born 1913, Illinois died 1982, FL
LISS, Isadore - born Russia
LISS, Jacob H. - born 1884, Russia/Poland died 1945, Illinois
LISS, Leah - born 1832, Poland died 1906, Poland
LISS, Lester - born 1917, Illinois died 1994, IL
LISS, Lillian - born 1908, Illinois died 2000, Illinois
LISS, Linda - born 1943, Illinois died 2005, Illinois
LISS, Marissa A - born 1942, Illinois died 2024, Illinois
LISS, Melvin H. - born 1915, Illinois died 1982, IL
LISS, Philip - born 1872, Poland died 1936, Illinois
LISS, Seymour Sheldon - born 1921, Illinois died 1991, Colorado
LISS WIFE, Anna Gertrude - born Russia
LISS?, Rose - born
LUDWIG, Brian Edward - born 1967, Ohio died 1999, Ohio
LUDWIG, Guenter G - born 1933, Germany died 2004, Ohio
LURIE, Leo - born died 1940
MANOS, Jerry - born 1941, Illinois died 2012, Illinois
MARO, Arlene Joyce - born 1938, Illinois died 2003, Illinois
MARO, Robert Lee - born 1936, Illinois died 2008, Illinois
MARO, Steven A - born 1910, Illinois died 1984, Illinois
MASON, Mandel - born 1876, Russia died 1955, Illinois
MASON, Mary - born 1919, Illinois died 1997, California
MASON, Miriam - born 1904, Russia died 1990, USA
MASON, Molly - born 1914, Illinois died 2002
MASON, Rose - born 1908, Russia
MAYALL, Nellie Cornelia - born 1910, North Dakota died 1994, California
MAYBERG, Abner - born 1915, Canada died 2004, Minnesota
MAYBERG, Baby Boy - born 1926 died 1926, Minnesota
MAYBERG, Joseph - born died 1915, Probably Russia/Ukraine
MAYBERG, Libby - born 1917, Minnesota died 2012, Illinois
MAYBERG, Morris - born 1885, Russia died Israel
MAYBERG, William Zev - born 1887, Poland died 1978, Minnesota
MAYZELS, Helen - born 1891, Poland
MCCAULEY, Unknown - born
MERINBAUM, Harriet Maxine - born 1924 died 2016
MERINBAUM, Roy M. - born 1896 died 1976
MERINBAUM??, Elsie W. - born 1899 died 1964
MILLER, Abe - born 1904, Russia died 1963
MILLER, Eva - born 1893, Russia
MILLER, Harry - born 1907, Illinois died 1963, Canada
MILLER, Jacob - born 1878, Russia died 1947, Illinois
MILLER, Joe - born 1905, Russia
MILLER, Sol - born 1909, Illinois
MILLER, Ted - born 1912, Illinois died 2002
MILLSTONE, Pauline - born 1912, Russia died 1994, Los Angeles
MOIR, Daniel Veitch - born 1933, California died 1998, Santa Cruz. California
MONROE, Thomas Hollingsworth - born 1936, Wisconsin died 2009, Illinois
NELSON, Carl Einar - born 1933, Illinois died 2004, Illinois
NETZKY, Howard - born 1923, Illinois died 1954, Minnesota
NETZKY, Joanne - born 1948, Illinois died 1970
NETZKY, Joseph - born 1892, Russia died 1978, Illinois
NETZKY, Lester - born 1919, Illinois died 1996, AZ)
NETZKY, Marilyn - born 1930, Illinois died 2023
NETZKY, Ralph Marc - born 1943 died 2018, California
NETZKY, Rose - born 1893 died 1925, Illinois
NETZKY, Sylvan - born 1917, Illinois died 1999, MN
NETZKY, Wendy Heather - born 1955, Illinois died 2024, Arizona
NEUFELD, Simon - born Hungary
NEUFELDT, Bernard - born 1858, Ukraine) died 1905, California
NEWFELD, Sadie - born 1884, New York
NEWFIELD, Dorothy R - born 1922, California died 1975, Los Angeles
NEWFIELD, Edward - born 1897, Illinois died 1961, California
NEWLANDER, Carol - born 1919 died 2008, Minnesota
NEWMAN, Emma - born 1890, Hungary died 1954, Illinois
NEWMAN, Leopold - born 1870, Hungary died 1940, Illinois
NEWMAN, Morris - born Hungary
NICEBERG, Sarah - born 1894, Russia
NORRIS, Albert L. - born 1909, Illinois died 1988
NORRIS, Harold Manville - born 1945, Illinois died 1992, New Mexico
NOVACK, Miriam - born 1929, Illinois died 2014, Arizona
PALAY, Edward - born 1929, Illinois died 2006, Illinois
PALMER, Allen Ridgely Jr - born 1936, Maryland died 1989, California
PARIS, Paul Elwood - born 1922, Illinois died 1984, California
PEITCHEL, Irwin "Bud" - born 1928, Illinois died 2014, California
PEITCHEL, Meyer W - born 1857, Austria
PEITCHEL, Nathaniel Harry - born 1901, Massachusetts died 1973, IL
PEITCHEL, Rhoda - born 1928, Illinois died 2013
PEITCHEL?, Sarah - born 1857, Russia
PITLACK, Ruby - born 1903, Missouri died 1926, Illinois
PLOTKIN, Betty Sylvia - born 1917, Russia died 2001, Illinois
PLOTKIN, Morris - born
POBLINSKY, Jeanette - born 1896, Illinois died 1982, United States
POLAND, Al - born
PORT, Max - born 1908, Illinois died 1971, Illinois
PRUSS, Hazel Esther - born 1926, Missouri died 2019, Missouri
RABINOWITZ, Florence - born 1927, New York 1849a died 2002, Pennsylvania
RAMRAS, Edward Philip - born 1920, New York died 1998, USA
RASOFF, Rose - born 1893, Russia 19920a died 1941, Illinois
RAWSON, Barbara - born 1933, New Jersey died 2020, Florida
RAWSON, Emanuel - born 1899, New York died 1989, Illinois
RAWSON, Judith - born 1929, Illinois died 2019, Washington
ROBBINS, Charles Allen - born 1946, Illinois died 2006, California
ROBBINS, David - born 1910, Poland died 1991
ROSEN, Dean Robert - born 1943, Illinois died 1982, CA
ROSEN, Irving - born 1907, Illinois died 1973, Wisconsin
ROSEN, Isadore "Bud" - born 1923, New York died 2018, Missouri
ROSEN, Marjorie Ann - born 1950, Missouri died 1979
ROSEN, Stuart Merril - born 1939, Illinois died 2007, Illinois
ROSENBAUM, Richard Morris - born 1951 died 2013
ROSENBAUM, Sidney Bernard - born 1919, Illinois died 2022, Illinois
ROSENBERG, Annette - born 1924, Illinois died 2016, California
ROSENSOHN, Dorothy - born 1928, New York died 2011, California
ROSOFSKY, Seymour - born 1924, Possibly Illinois? died 1981
ROTH, Lillian - born 1898, Poland died 1985, California
RUDY, Blanche M. - born 1918, Illinois died 2004, Illinois
RUDY, Frances R - born 1923, Missouri died 2015, Missouri
RUDY, Lester - born 1918, Illinois died 2005, IL
RUDY, Sol - born 1886, Russia died 1933, ILL
RUDY, Sylvia B. - born 1918, Illinois died 1953, Illinois
RUSKIN, David Norman - born 1927, New York died 2010
SAFFRIN, Abe - born
SAFFRIN, Harry W. - born 1915, New York died 1989, USA
SALTZBURG, Alex - born 1884, Russia
SALTZBURG, Zellick - born
SALTZER, Jacob - born
SALTZER, Rose - born 1860, Hungary died 1952, California
SCHMELZ, Leia - born
SCHWARTZ, Harry - born 1915, Missouri
SENESKY, Marian Eileen - born 1922, Illinois died 1992, USA
SENESKY, Samuel L - born 1891, Missouri
SENESKY, Sylvia Alene - born 1914, Missouri died 2005
SENN, Raymond L - born 1920, Illinois died 2013, New Mexico
SERKES, Ruth I. - born 1922, Missouri died 2008, Missouri
SHANE, Abraham - born 1883, Lithuania died 1971, Massachusetts
SHANE, David - born 1908, Massachusetts died 1999, USA
SHANE, Isadore - born 1910, Massachusetts died 1967, Massachusetts
SHANE, Joseph - born 1912, Massachusetts died 1995
SHANE, Robert - born 1914, Massachusetts died 2000, Massachusetts
SHAW, Myrtis - born 1918 died 1979
SHINDELL, Sonia S - born 1927, Connecticut died 2004, Arizona
SHULMAN, Female - born Russia
SIEGEL, Allen M - born 1921, Missouri died 2000, USA
SIEGEL, Charles L - born 1897, Romania died 1979, USA
SIEGEL, Irving Don - born 1927, Missouri died 2014, Missouri
SILBERMAN, Samson - born
SILBERMAN, Unknown - born
SILVER, David Leo - born 1926, Minnesota died 2018, Vermont
SILVER, George - born 1894, Russia died 1981, Minnesota
SILVER, Harriet - born 1932, Minnesota died 1993
SILVER, Irving - born 1902, Ukraine/Russia died 1980, Minnesota
SILVER, Mary - born 1888, Ukraine (was Russia/Poland) died 1937, Minnesota
SILVER, Morris A. - born 1892, Russia
SILVER, Pearl Estelle - born 1927, Minnesota died 2012
SILVERMAN, Jacob - born 1896, Russia died 1989, Minnesota
SILVERMAN, Leib - born died 1915, Russia/Ukraine
SILVERSTEIN, Anna - born 1902, Missouri died USA
SILVERSTEIN, Anna - born
SILVERSTEIN, Bertha - born 1874, Germany died 1949, USA
SILVERSTEIN, Edna - born 1900, Missouri died 1992
SILVERSTEIN, Gertrude - born 1920, United States died 1969
SILVERSTEIN, Joseph - born 1899, Missouri died 1982, USA
SILVERSTEIN, Joseph Harvey - born 1916, Missouri died 1997, USA
SILVERSTEIN, Julius - born 1866, Poland died 1938, Missouri
SILVERSTEIN, Lena - born 1893, Missouri died 1992, Illinois
SILVERSTEIN, Lena - born 1857, Austrian Russian Poland died 1922, New York
SILVERSTEIN, Lenore - born 1924, Missouri died 1988, Missouri
SILVERSTEIN, Louis - born 1895, Missouri died 1974, USA
SILVERSTEIN, Max G - born 1890, Missouri died 1966, USA
SILVERSTEIN, Merle L - born 1928 died 2014, USA
SILVERSTEIN, Mildred A - born 1914, Missouri died 1993, Los Angeles
SILVERSTEIN, Mordecai Max - died 1891
SILVERSTEIN, Morton D - born 1922, Missouri died 2008, Missouri
SILVERSTEIN, Myrnalee - born 1930, Missouri died 2011, Missouri
SILVERSTEIN, Rose - born 1897, Missouri died 1966, California
SILVERSTEIN, Sanford A - born 1924, Missouri died 2017, Missouri
SILVERSTEIN, Sophia - born 1888, Illinois died 1984, USA
SPENCER, Jacob - born 1908, New York died 1994, California
SPIEGEL, Saly - born Hungary
STERN, Sydmore Solomon - born 1915, Pennsylvania died 1961, California
STERNSTEIN, Aaron Fred - born 1920, Illinois died 1970, Arizona
STERNSTEIN, Daniel A - born 1951, Arizona died 2009, Probably California
STERNSTEIN, Debra Sue - born 1954, Arizona died 2015, Arizona
STERNSTEIN, Isadore J - born 1888, Russia died 1964, Arizona
STERNSTEIN, Lillyan A - born 1917, Illinois died 1983, Arizona
STERNSTEIN, Seymour Charles - born 1925, Illinois died 1997, Arizona
STOLAR, Bessie - born 1883, Russia/Poland died 1969, Illinois
STONE, Bruno - born
STONE, Helen Louise - born 1907, Indiana
STONE, Robert Lawrence - born 1932, Illinois died 1977, Illinois
SWEET, Hal - born 1908, Illinois died 1979, USA
SZEHNER, Edna Louise - born 1928, Massachusetts died 2018, Vermont
TAGRIN, Elaine - born 1915, Illinois died 1992, IL
TAGRIN, Isadore - born 1883, Latvia died
TAGRIN, Marvin - born 1922, Ill died 2004, Ill
TAGRIN, Sylvia - born 1917, Illinois died 1999, IL
TAYLOR ROMANO, Maria Juanita - born 1909 died 1995
TOBACHNIK, Chaya Sarah - born
TOBIN, Vivian - born 1927, Georgia died 2014, Missouri
TOLEN, Edythe Sadelle - born 1915, Illinois
TRAVIS, Gail - born 1943 died 2018, Maryland
TUCKER, Anne - born 1919, Canada died 2003
UNKNOWN, Rose - born 1887, Russia died 1935, Illinois
UNGAR, Judy - born 1916, Colorado died 2008, Florida
UNGER, Jeanette Belle - born 1914, Illinois died 1947, Illinois
UNGER, Paul - born 1890, Austria
UNKNOWN, ? - born Poland died 1915, Pennsylvania
UNKNOWN, Female - born
UNKNOWN, Frances - born died 1978
UNKNOWN, Sarah - born
UNKNOWN?, Sirka - born
WAGNER, Leonard - born 1920 died 1976
WAGNER, Lottie - born 1896, Missouri
WAGNER, Max - born 1892, Missouri died 1966, USA
WAGNER, Saul - born 1859, Germany died 1933, Missouri
WAGNER, Wilbur Malcom - born 1923, Missouri died 2018, Massachusetts
WEIL, Lorraine - born 1915, Illinois died 2012
WEINZIMMER, Bess - born 1897, Ohio died 1979, IL
WEINZIMMER, Edna - born 1898, Ohio died 1986, California
WEINZIMMER, Franklin Sidney - born 1915, Illinois died 1971, Israel
WEINZIMMER, Harold Robert - born 1903, Illinois died 1963, Illinois
WEINZIMMER, Howard C. - born 1946 died 2012
WEINZIMMER, Judith Ann - born 1937, Illinois died 2016, Illinois
WEINZIMMER, Leonard - born 1923, Illinois died 1999, IL
WEINZIMMER, Lillian - born 1906, Illinois died 1966, Illinois
WEINZIMMER, Louis - born 1893, Ohio died 1972, IL
WEINZIMMER, Meyer - born 1870, Russia/Poland died 1938, Illinois
WEINZIMMER, Michael J. - born 1900, Ohio died 1975, New York
WEINZIMMER, Mildred - born 1894, Ohio died 1965, Illinois
WEINZIMMER, Samuel - born 1892, Missouri died 1946, Illinois
WEISS, Edith - born 1909, Illinois
WEISS, Helen - born 1894, Hungary died 1979
WEISS, Lillian - born 1910, Illinois
WEISS, Mildred - born 1917, Illinois died 2016
WEISS, Samuel M - born 1885, Russia
WILLEFORD, Charles Ray - born 1919, Arkansas died 1988, Florida
WIRTH, Roy Dennis - born 1946, Illinois died 2008, Illinois
WOLF, Ronald Norman - born 1926, Illinois died 1946, Illinois
WOLFF, Max H. - born 1899, Texas died 1956, United States
WONDRASEK, Arthur - born
YOFFEE, Dorothy Y. - born 1893, Missouri died 1974, USA
ZLEPPER, Lottie - born 1893, Russia died 1969
ZUCKER, Abraham - born 1940, New York died 2022, Florida
ZUCKER, Mayer - born 1896, Austria/Poland died 1969, New York
ZUCKER, Ray - born 1929, New York died 2019, New York
??, Anne - born 1919
____, Mirla - born Poland
??, Unknown - born
Please note that we have done our best to not include the
names of living family members in this tree, in order to
protect their privacy.
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find any information which should be privatized,
or just want to say hello, please do
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This family tree is an updated copy
of the Feldberg branch of our Vishnick Feldberg Family Tree at Rootsweb,
which was taken temporarily offline for security updates by Ancestry
in December 2017. While our tree at Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project
stopped being updateable by us, and did not have as many people as our updated tree here,
it had many more interesting features, including sources as well as ahnentafel,
pedigree and descendant reports for those people who are in the original tree.
If the ahnentafel, registry, descendancy or pedigree charts in our backup copy
are not complete enough for you, email us using the Contact Us link below, and we will try to help.
The URL for that enhanced version of our tree is now at
Modified December 23, 2024 09:02 PM UTC
Database maintained by The Cohens
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