Index of Eagle Eye Family Tree
BAD HAIR, John - born 1890, South Dakota died 1975, South Dakota
BEAR, Edward W - born 1887, Montana
BECK, Anna M - born 1873, Germany died 1955, Illinois
BLACK BEAR, Agnes - born 1909, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Belle - born 1877 died
BLACK BEAR, Dan - born 1900, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Edgar - born 1904, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Edward - born 1888
BLACK BEAR, Edward - born 1873, Nebraska died 1917, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Edward Jr - born 1901, South Dakota died 1982, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Harry - born 1880, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Herman - born 1878, probably South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Jacob - born 1907, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Jacob (Jake, John) - born 1893, South Dakota died 1955, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, James - born 1913, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, James - born 1899, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Jessie - born 1901, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Kitty - born 1877
BLACK BEAR, Levi - born 1899, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Living (1) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (2) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (3) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (4) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (5) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (6) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (7) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (8) -
BLACK BEAR, Living (9) -
BLACK BEAR, Lucy - born 1908, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Moses - born 1900, South Dakota died 1953, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Paul - born 1864, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Paul - born 1894, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Peter - born 1903, South Dakota died 1987, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Phobe - born 1903, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Rebecca - born 1883, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Simon - born 1910, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Stella - born 1905, South Dakota died 1995, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Susie - born 1895, South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, Thomas - born 1869, Nebraska or South Dakota
BLACK BEAR, William - born 1880, South Dakota
BULL BONNET, Emma - born 1872, Nebraska or South Dakota died 1933, South Dakota
BULLMAN, Unknown Male -
COMES AGAIN, Carrie - born 1877
COMES AGAIN, Joseph - born 1891, South Dakota
COTTIER, Gilbert - born 1892, South Dakota
COTTIER, Louis - born 1871, Wyoming
COTTIER, Mabel - born 1895, South Dakota
COTTIER, Nellie - born 1899, South Dakota
COTTIER, Pearl - born 1897, South Dakota
COTTIER, Walter J - born 1893, South Dakota
EAGLE ELK, Alice - born 1879, South Dakota
EAGLE ELK, Lizzie - born 1902, South Dakota died 1903, South Dakota
EAGLE ELK, Mabel - born 1882, South Dakota died 1949, South Dakota
EAGLE ELK, Nancy - born 1879, South Dakota died 1903, South Dakota
EAGLE ELK, William - born 1890, South Dakota
EAGLE EYE, Zella - born 1871, Montana died 1936, Illinois
FEATHER, Cecelia - born 1872, Wyoming
FEATHERMAN, Everett M - born 1932, South Dakota died 1989
FEATHERMAN, James - born 1904, South Dakota
FERGUSON, Edith - born 1905
FIRE, Louisa - born 1870
FOOLING BEAR, Julia - born 1897, South Dakota died 1899, South Dakota
FOOLING BEAR, Lucy - born 1896, South Dakota died 1897, South Dakota
GRASS, Jessie - born 1888
GRASS, Jessie - born 1894, South Dakota
GRASS, John - born 1863
GRASS, Robb - born 1891
HIGH BEAR, Jennie - born 1872, South Dakota died 1902, South Dakota
LARAVIE, - born
LARAVIE, Wallace -
LITTLE COMMANDER, Aloysius - born 1911, South Dakota
LITTLE COMMANDER, Asa - born 1906, South Dakota
LITTLE COMMANDER, Ellis - born 1915, South Dakota
LITTLE COMMANDER, Ester - born 1906, South Dakota
LITTLE COMMANDER, Jessie - born 1898, South Dakota died 1904, South Dakota
LITTLE COMMANDER, Martha - born 1909, South Dakota died 1910, South Dakota
LIVING, Living -
LONG COMMANDER, John - born 1869, North Dakota
LONG HORN, Lizzie - born 1904, South Dakota died 1928, South Dakota
LONG HORN, Minnie - born 1902, South Dakota died 1920, South Dakota
LONG HORN, Philip - born 1899, South Dakota died 1903, South Dakota
LONG HORN, Sallie - born 1908, South Dakota
LONG HORN, Samuel - born 1910, South Dakota
PLENTY BEAR, Alice - born 1905, South Dakota
PLENTY BEAR, Emma - born 1903, South Dakota died 1903, South Dakota
PLENTY BEAR, Joseph - born 1908, South Dakota died 1910, South Dakota
PLENTY BEAR, Thomas - born 1881 died 1921, South Dakota
PLENTY WOLF, George - born 1901
PRAYS TO HER, Ella - born 1874, Wyoming or South Dakota died 1950, South Dakota
RED KETTLE, Nettie - born 1872, Wyoming
RED NEST, - born 1860, Montana or Nebraska died 1931, South Dakota
RED NEST, Fannie - born 1892, South Dakota
RED NEST, Fred - born 1885, South Dakota died 1929, South Dakota
RED NEST, Victoria - born 1902, South Dakota
SPOTTED EAGLE, Charles - born 1894, South Dakota
SPOTTED EAGLE, Felix - born 1863, Wyoming
SPOTTED EAGLE, Mary - born 1892, South Dakota died 1898, South Dakota
SPOTTED EAGLE, Oscar - born 1898, South Dakota
SPOTTED EAGLE, Victoria - born 1902, South Dakota
UNKNOWN, Wife 1 - died 1932
UNKNOWN, Female -
VESPUSIE, Zilla - born 1871
WALKS FAST, Charles - born 1897, South Dakota died 1898, South Dakota
WALKS FAST, Jennie - born 1900, South Dakota died 1900, South Dakota
WALKS FAST, Roy - born 1902, South Dakota
WALKS FAST, Susie - born 1905, South Dakota
WALKS FAST, Thomas - born 1877, South Dakota
WHITE BLANKET, - born 1853, South Dakota died 1901, South Dakota
WHITE EYES, - died 1910, South Dakota
YELLOW WOLF, Alexander - born 1862, Kansas or Wyoming
YELLOW WOLF, George - born 1895, South Dakota died 1898, South Dakota
YELLOW WOLF, Jennie - born 1901, South Dakota
YELLOW WOLF, Sallie - born 1899, South Dakota
YELLOW WOLF, Thomas - born 1906, South Dakota
____, Agnes - born 1898, South Dakota
____, Alice - born 1889
____, Alice - born 1864
____, Amelia - born 1872, Nebraska or South Dakota
____, Annie - born 1895
____, Bad Hair - born 1860
____, Bear Plume - born 1868
____, Bear Plume - born 1863
____, Black Bear - born Nebraska or Wyoming died 1880
____, Black Bear - born 1853, Nebraska
____, Black Bear #2 - born 1866
____, Black Eagle - born 1889, South Dakota died 1895, South Dakota
____, Black Moccasin - born 1896
____, Black Owl - born 1869
____, Boiling - born 1872
____, Bull Bonnet - born South Dakota or Wyoming died 1910
____, Cane - born 1812
____, Charger - born 1854
____, Close the House - born 1859
____, Comes Back Hard - born 1871
____, Comes Out Holy - born 1866
____, Comes Standing - born 1872
____, Comes in Sight - born 1875
____, Cow Goes First - born 1839, Nebraska
____, Eagle Elk - born 1836, Wyoming died 1907, South Dakota
____, Eagle Elk #2 - born 1862, South Dakota
____, Eagle Face - born 1863
____, Ella - born 1894
____, Emily - born 1909
____, Emma - born 1889, South Dakota
____, Emma - born 1862
____, Fannie - born 1853, Wyoming
____, Fool the Bear - born 1870 died 1890, Wounded Knee Massacre
____, Four Rocks - born 1830, Nebraska died 1905, South Dakota
____, Gets There First - born 1869
____, Goes in the Middle - born 1866
____, Good Cloud - born 1890
____, Grass - born 1868
____, Has Many Brothers - born 1887, South Dakota
____, Helen - born 1878
____, Her Horse - born 1851, Nebraska
____, Holy Talk - born 1875
____, Jennie - born 1908, South Dakota
____, Jessie - born 1901
____, Kills Standing - born 1889, South Dakota died 1890, South Dakota
____, Little Commander - born 1872, Nebraska or Wyoming
____, Little Guide - born 1829, North Dakota died 1900, South Dakota
____, Long Horn - born 1864, South Dakota
____, Looks At Her - born 1865
____, Many Uncles - born 1886, South Dakota
____, Nancy - born 1898
____, Neck - born 1866, Nebraska
____, Old Woman - born 1817, South Dakota
____, Ollie - born 1909
____, Owns Good Horses - born 1860, South Dakota or Wyoming
____, Pity Them - born 1832, Nebraska or South Dakota
____, Playing in Woods - born 1874
____, Plenty Wolf - born
____, Red Elk - born 1818
____, Red Robe - born 1879
____, Saves - born 1887, South Dakota died 1889, South Dakota
____, Scorch - born 1870
____, Two Strike - born 1821 died 1913
____, Walks With Pipe - born 1870, Nebraska
____, Yellow Wolf -
____, Yellow Woman - born 1872, Nebraska or South Dakota died
Please note that we have done our best to not include the
names of living family members in this tree, in order to
protect their privacy.
If you have questions, find any errors, have information to add,
find any information which should be privatized,
or just want to say hello, please do
contact us
This family tree is a replacement for our Oglala Family: Black Bear, Eagle Eye, Red Nest
Family Tree at Rootsweb's WorldConnect project, which was at, and has now been moved to .
Although it does not include our census transcriptions, the TribalPages version of our tree
has all the people who were in the original Rootsweb Worldconnect tree,
and has many graphical views and features, and includes sources as well as ahnentafel,
pedigree and descendant reports for those people who were in the original tree.
The URL for that feature-rich version of our tree is .
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