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Palestrant Families Family Tree - Name Index
ABRAMOWNA-SZAJEWNA, Szoza-Rywka - born
ADAMS, Estelle - born 1915, died 1992, Illinois
AGRODNICK, Leah - born 1870, Russia, died 1940, England
AHUMADA, Julia Aurora - born 1939, Texas, died 1994, Texas
ALBERT, Henrietta - died 1963
ARK, Clara L - born 1928, England, died 1928, England
ARK, Helen Belle - born 1921, England, died 2011
ARK, Living -
ARK, Lorna - born 1931, England, died 1986, England
ARK, Samuel Hyman - born 1887, died 1981
ARMOND, Living -
ARMOND, Living (2) -
ARMOND, Morris Joseph - born 1916, New Jersey, died 1994, California
AUERBACH, Helen Ruth - born 1915, New York
AUERBACH, Henry - born 1888, Hungary
AUERBACH, Muriel - born 1918, New York, died 2012, California
AUERBACH, William B. - born 1904, England, died 1957, England
AVERBACH, Muriel - born 1927, died 1989, West Sussex
BAKER, May - born 1879, Ohio
BANK, Ida Sadie - born 1902, Germany, died 1973
BARNETT, Shirley R - born 1932, England, died
BARTH, Bessie - born 1891
BAUER, Harry - born 1922, Austria, died 2008
BAUER, Living -
BAUER, Living (2) -
BELINOFF, Isabel - born 1902, Russia, died 1989
BERLOWITZ, Charles - born 1919, died 1992
BLENKITNY, Gussie - born 1883, Poland, died 1946, Illinois
BLENKITNY, Yaakov - born Poland, died
BOYNE, Pauline - born 1858, Germany, died 1933, New York
BRESSLER, Jack - born , died 1990
BROOKS, David - born 1904, Poland
BROOKS, Esther Leah - born 1903, Poland
BROOKS, Henrietta - born 1911, Poland, died 1976, New York
BROOKS, Jack - born 1911, Poland, died 2010, New York
BROOKS, Living -
BROOKS, Living (2) -
BROOKS, Living (3) -
BROOKS, Michael - born 1942, New York, died 2013, Arizona
BROWN, Gloria Lee - born 1937, Ohio, died 2014, California
BROWN, Living -
BROWN, Samuel - born 1894, New York
BRYK, Henry - born 1876, Poland, died 1914, Poland
BRYK, Infant - born Poland
BUCK, Christopher Michael - born 1968, USA, died 2015, New Zealand
BUCK, Living (018) -
BUDNICK, Rose - born
BUTLER, Sadie - born 1909, New York, died 1999, New York
BUTTE, Marie V - born 1901, Ohio, died 1977, Virginia
CADORETTE, Irene Albertine - born 1910, Canada, died 1994, Pennsylvania
CAMPBELL, Eileen Agnes - born 1925, Canada, died 2007
CHEIFFETZ, Dora - born 1898, New York, died 1961, New York
CHEIFFETZ, Isadore - born 1870, Russia, died 1943, New York
CHLAVIN, Faye - born 1897, New York, died 1995, California
CHLAVIN, Louis - born 1871, Latvia, died 1946, California
CHLAVIN, Sophia - born 1901, New York, died 1989, California
CHLAVIN, Tewi - born
CLAVIN, David - born 1906, Illinois, died 1964, California
CLAVIN, Sidney - born 1910, Illinois, died 1983, California
COHEN, Abraham - born 1886, England
COHEN, Annie - born 1883, England
COHEN, Celia - born
COHEN, Faige - born
COHEN, Hyman - born 1861, Poland
COHEN, Jacob - born 1881, England or Poland
COHEN, Joseph - born 1887, England
COHEN, Louis - born 1867, Poland
COHEN, Louise - born
COHEN, Milton - born 1913, Massachusetts, died 2003, Massachusetts
COHEN, Polly - born
COOK, Alice Muriel - born 1915, Oklahoma, died 1991, California
COOPER, Frank - born
COOPER, Leila - born 1906, Russia, died 1933, New York
CRANE, Israel - born Poland
CRANE, John - born 1866
CROOKER, Martha - born 1904, died 1985
CRUM, Julian - born 1913, died 2004, Florida
CUROTZ, Helen - born 1918, West Virginia, died 2004, Ohio
DAVIS, Diana Beth - born 1942, died 2009
DAVIS, Frieda - born 1904, New York
DAVIS, Leon - born 1912, New York, died 1981, Florida
DAVIS, Martha - born 1902, New York
DAVIS, Meyer - born 1875, Russian Poland
DAVIS, Morris - born 1845, Russian Poland, died 1916, New York
DAVIS, Rebecca - born 1878, Poland, died 1943, New York
DAVIS, Sarah - born 1880, Russian Poland
DAVIS, Sidney Norman - born 1908, New York, died 1956, New York 56
DELUTY, Arnold Charles - born 1941, died 1992, Massachusetts
DELUTY, Living -
DELUTY, William - born 1908, Rhode Island, died 1977, Massachusetts
DEPKA, Sarah - born
DIAMANT, Edward - born
DIEDRICH, Walter J. - born 1900, New York, died 1988, New York
DIGAT, Maria Elena - born 1912, Cuba, died 2001, Texas
DIZIK, Male - born
DRUCKER, Muriel - born 1921, Pennsylvania, died 2015, Texas
EPSTEIN, Gertrude - born 1906, Illinois, died 1998, California
FALK, Norman - born 1931, New York, died 2000, Maryland
FEIN, David - born 1900, Russia, died 1978, probably New York
FEIN, Isidor - born 1864, Russia
FEIN, Israel - born 1906, Russia
FEIN, Jennie - born 1897, Russia
FEIN, Reuben - born 1893, Russia
FEIN, Sammy - born 1911, Russia or New York
FEIN, Sarah Wilhemina - born 1908, New York, died 2000, Maryland
FEINGOLD, Sam - born
FILLER, Gloria H - born 1934, New York, died 2008, Massachusetts or Florida
FINEGOLD, Minnie - born 1897, Russia, died 1995, Ohio
FISH, Frieda - born 1927, died 1991
FLAXMAN, Claire Toba - born 1938, died 2012, Maryland
FLEISCHMAN, Hinda - born
FLOMBERG, Bennett - born 1943, New York, died 2011, New York
FLOMBERG, Living -
FLOMBERG, Living (2) -
FREED, Tillie - born , died 1959, Ohio
FREILICH, Emanuel - born
FREILICH, Living -
FREILICH, Living (2) -
FREILICH, Living (3) -
FREUND, Ruth Vivien - born 1912, Illinois, died 2001, Florida
FREY, Irwin - born 1911, Connecticut, died 1977, Illinois
GARLAND, Billie G. - born 1918, North Carolina, died 1992, South Carolina
GAWRONSKY, Yankel - born Latvia
GLASSER, Israel - born 1910, Massachusetts, died 2004, Massachusetts
GLASSER, Living -
GOLBERG, Sara - born 1903, Russia, died 1988, New York
GOLDBERG, Isaac - born 1879, Missouri, died 1963
GOLDBERG, Leonard - born 1904, New York
GOLDBERG, Maxwell - born 1912, New York
GOLDBERG, Norman J - born 1906, New York, died 1966, California
GOLDFARB, Gwen - born 1942, Ohio, died 2000, Ohio
GOLDFARB, Louis R. - born 1911, died 2004, Ohio
GOLDSTEIN, Jacob - born 1897, New York
GOULD, Living -
GOULD, Living (2) -
GOULD, Meyer - born
GOULD, Richard - born , died 2011
GOULD, Robert E - born 1918, died 1994
GRACHER, Itzig - born 1873, Russia (now Poland)
GRACHER, Szlama - died 1900
GRAY, Ronald Edward - born 1935, California, died 2010, California
GREENBERG, Benjamin - born 1897, died 1975, Florida
GREENBERG, Pearl - born 1899, Roumania
GREENFIELD, Male - born
GRIGGS, Iona - born 1875, Indiana
GROSS, Sarah Rebecca - born 1884, Poland, died 1965, New York
GROZIEN, Mary - born 1879, Russia, died New York
GURFEIN, Bernice - born
GUY, Mary Beth - born 1947, Ohio, died 2007, Kentucky
GUY, Willard Arthur Jr - born 1916, Ohio, died 2010, Ohio
GUY, Zelma Lee - born 1943, died 1992
HALMAN, George A - born
HARRIS, Solomon - born 1893, England, died 1925, Illinois
HEIFETZ, Minnie - born , died 1954, Illinois
HERNANDEZ, Luz Leida - born 1929, died 2013
HERTZ, Marga - born 1920, Germany, died 2009, England
HERZOG, Eva - born 1906, Poland/Russia, died 1980, New York
HIRSH, Selma - born 1911, Massachusetts, died 2007, Florida
HOFFMAN, Abraham - born 1869, Austria
HOFFMAN, Isaac Joseph - born 1895, England, died South Africa
HOFFMAN, Living -
HOFFMAN, Living (2) -
HOFFMAN, Marcus Noah - born 1897, England
HOFFMAN, Marks - born
HOFFMAN, Mervyn - born 1936, South Africa, died 1988, South Africa
HOFFMAN, Myer - born 1902, England, died 1989, South Africa
HOLL, Evelyn Emily - born 1907, died 1963
ISRAELOWICZ, Ita Ruchla - born 1887, Poland, died 1888, Poland
ISREAL, Fannie - born 1861, Russia
JACOBS, Abraham - born 1895, New York, died 1946, New York
JACOBS, Bertram Jacob - born 1917, New York, died 1988
JACOBS, Charles - born 1901, New York, died
JACOBS, Esther - born 1896, New York, died 1980, California
JACOBS, Fred - born 1903, New York, died 1946, New York
JACOBS, Harry - born 1905, New York, died 1971, New York
JACOBS, Infant - born 1893, New York
JACOBS, Irving I - born 1907, New York, died 1950, New York
JACOBS, Jason - born 1927, New York, died 2006, New York
JACOBS, Jerome - born 1922, New York, died 1994, California
JACOBS, Joseph - born 1864, Poland
JACOBS, Living -
JACOBS, Living (2) -
JACOBS, Living (3) -
JACOBS, Living (4) -
JACOBS, Living (5) -
JACOBS, Living (6) -
JACOBS, Living (7) -
JACOBS, Living (8) -
JACOBS, Pauline - born 1897, New York, died 1976, California
JACOBS, Ruth Thelma - born 1929, New York, died 2016, New York
JACOBS, Samuel Jacob - born Poland, died 1924
JACOBS, Samuel M - born 1891, Poland, died
JACOBS, Sarah - born 1888, Poland, died 1943, California
JACOBS, Theodore Yale - born 1917, New York, died 1994, California
JACOBS, William - born 1899, New York, died 1947, New York
JACOBSON, Abraham - born 1891, Russia (Latvia), died 1957, Massachusetts
JACOBSON, Doris - born 1901, Latvia
JACOBSON, Ethel - born 1899, Latvia, died 1992, Massachusetts
JACOBSON, Pearl Fanny - born 1895, Latvia, died 1967, Massachusetts
JAMISON, Gloria Eve - born 1933, California, died 2014, Utah
JAMISON, John Viator - born 1906, Iowa, died 1974, Kentucky
JANIS, S. Leo - born 1901, New York, died 1976, Illinois
JANOWITZ, Alfred - born 1890, New York
JANOWITZ, Ellis J. - born 1867, Poland
JANOWITZ, Erwin - born 1892, Iowa
JANOWITZ, Esther - born 1904, New York
JANOWITZ, Martin - born 1888, New York
JOSEPH, Rose - born South Africa, died 1989
KARAMEL, Rose - born 1880, Poland, died 1955, Illinois
KAYE, Living -
KAYE, Living (2) -
KAYE, Rudolph - born 1911, Massachusetts, died 1977, Florida
KELLER, Judith Witt - born 1935, Ohio, died 1986, New York
KIRK, Harry - born 1902, Ohio
KIRK, Virginia - born 1906, Ohio
KIRK, Wallace R - born 1876, Ohio
KIRSHENBAUM, Morris - born 1868, Russia
KIRSHENBAUM, Tillie - born 1900, Illinois, died 1959, Texas
KLEIR, Johanna C. - born 1873, New York, died 1960, New York
KLEIR, Unknown Male - born Germany
KLOSINSKI, Geraldine - born 1933, died 2017, New York
KOMICZAR, Augusta - born 1909, New York, died 1999, New York
KOPEL, Chaya Sassha - born Poland
KUMPF, George J - born
KUSSMAUL, Clarence - born
LABOVITZ, Charles - born 1892, died 1961
LABOVITZ, Ruth - born 1908, Lithuania, died 1996, Indiana
LANDOV, Bessia - born
LAPLANT, Edward - born
LAPLANT, Lucille - born 1926, died 2002, Missouri
LASHER, Abraham - born 1876, Russia, died 1949
LASHER, Frieda - born 1907, New York
LASHER, Mildred - born 1913, New York, died 2001, New York
LASHER, Pearl Beatrice - born 1911, New York, died 1967, New York
LASSO, Sadelle - born 1899, Missouri, died 1983, Arizona
LAVINGSTON, Murks - born
LEFF, Bessie - born 1890, Russian Poland, died 1943, England
LEFF, Harris - born Poland
LEFF, Tressie - born 1892, Russian Poland
LEHR, Ruth - born 1910, died 1987, California
LEVIN, Jacob - born 1866, England
LEVIN, Rose - born 1895, Illinois
LEW, Iser - born 1883, Russian Poland
LEWIS, Beatrice - born 1904
LIVENSON, Bess R. - born 1899, Massachusetts
LIVENSON, Helen - born 1916, Massachusetts
LIVENSON, Joseph - born 1871, New York
LUBIN, Eleanor - born 1926, died 2003, Florida
LUPINA, Bertha - born 1876, Poland, died 1966, New York
LUPINA, Jakob - born 1830, Poland
LUPINA, Lena - born 1868, Poland, died 1944, California
LUPINA, Sadie - born 1870, Poland
LUSTIG, Blanche E - born 1892, New York
LUSTIG, Frieda Y - born 1898, Minnesota
LUSTIG, Matilda Rita - born 1895, Illinois, died 1984, California
LUSTIG, Minnie - born
LUSTIG, Samuel - born Poland
LUSTIG, Walter - born
MAKOS, Lorraine - born 1944, died 2006, New Mexico
MANN, Bess - born 1910, Russia, died 1989, Illinois
MANN, Max - born 1880, Russia
MANN, Rae - born
MAPES, Barbara M. - born 1905, New York, died 1973, New York
MARGOLIS, Bertha - born 1889, New York
MARGOLIS, Ephraim - born 1878, Russia
MARGOLIS, Etta - born 1892, New York, died 1966, Minnesota
MARGOLIS, Joseph - born 1857, Russia
MARGOLIS, Samuel - born 1883, New York
MARGOLIS, Sophia - born 1887, New York
MASTERS, James Joseph - born 1930, New York, died 2004, California
MAYER, Martha - born
MCGRATH, Helen C. - born 1887, New York
MCGRATH, Michael - born Ireland
MEUSSLING, Henry H - born New York
MEUSSLING, Ruth Eleanor - born 1916, New York, died 1987, New York
MEYER, Eva - born 1877, Austria/Poland
MEYERS, Cynthia Alice Diane - born 1911, Minnesota, died 1999, California
MILLMAN, Esther - born 1919, England, died 1959, England
MILLMAN, Ethel - born 1924, Salford Lancashire England, died 2013, England
MILLMAN, Hilda Gertrude - born 1924, Salford Lancashire'England, died 1998, England
MILLMAN, Joseph - born 1892, died 1968, England
MILLMAN, Judah Solomon - born 1918, Prestwich Lancashire England, died 1972, Heywood Lancashire England
MILLMAN, Lionel Israel - born 1922, England, died 1994, England
MILLMAN, Morris Aubrey Michael - born 1931, England, died 2015
MINTZER, Fred - born
MINTZER, William Theodore - born 1906, New York, died 1968, California
MOHR, Donald F - born 1932, New York, died 1998, New York
MOHR, Herbert Edward - born 1891, Massachusetts
MOHR, Living -
MOHR, Living (2) -
MOSZYN, Dwojra Laia - born
NAKEN, Clarence - born 1917, Illinois, died 1993, Florida
NAKEN, Peter John - born 1891, Russia, died 1971, Illinois
NAKEN, William - born 1915, Illinois, died 1971, California
NAROWSKI, Living -
NAROWSKI, Robert A - born 1931, died 1981, New York
NERENBERG, Theodore - born
NEUMANN, Irving - born 1885, California, died 1966, California
NEUMANN, Joan Shirley - born 1930, California, died 1995, CA
NOVACK, Nathan - born 1902, Poland, died
OSTROFF, Irving - born 1909, New York, died 1969
PALASTRAND, Joseph - born 1907, England, died 1959, England
PALASTRAND, Living (2) -
PALASTRAND, Living (3) -
PALASTRAND, Living (4) -
PALASTRAND, Living (5) -
PALASTRAND, Living (6) -
PALASTRANT, Abraham - born 1875, Russian Poland, died 1944, Massachusetts
PALASTRANT, Benjamin D. - born 1900, Massachusetts, died 1970, Massachusetts
PALASTRANT, Bessie - born 1868, Poland
PALASTRANT, Living (2) -
PALASTRANT, Living (3) -
PALASTRANT, Living (4) -
PALASTRANT, Living (5) -
PALASTRANT, Living (6) -
PALASTRANT, Philip - born
PALES, Cecille Eleanor - born 1917, Illinois, died 1983, Illinois
PALES, Esther - born 1912, Poland, died 1987, Ohio
PALES, Esther (1) - born 1919, Illinois, died 1990, Illinois
PALES, Evelyn - born 1913, Illinois, died 1993, Florida
PALES, Harold - born 1906, Illinois, died 1991, Illinois
PALES, Harry B. - born 1888, Poland, died 1962, Illinois
PALES, Jack - born 1924, Poland, died 2015, Florida
PALES, Jacob David - born 1878, Poland, died 1959, Illinois
PALES, Litman G - born 1899, Poland, died 1988, Florida
PALES, Living (069) -
PALES, Living (26) -
PALES, Living (31) -
PALES, Living (32) -
PALES, Living (33) -
PALES, Living (34) -
PALES, Living (35) -
PALES, Louis (2) - born 1898, Poland, died 1967, Illinois
PALES, Marilyn E. - born 1920, Illinois, died 2015, Florida
PALES, Marvin Lee - born 1936, Illinois, died 2012, Florida
PALES, Sadie - born 1907, Illinois, died 1910, Illinois
PALES, Samuel - born 1881, Poland, died 1939, Illinois
PALES, Seymour M - born 1914, Poland, died 1995, Ohio
PALES, Shirley - born 1910, Poland
PALESTRAND, Abraham (2) - born 1909, England, died 1995, Salford Lancashire England
PALESTRAND, Barnett - born 1863, Russia, died 1934, England
PALESTRAND, Cissie - born 1912, died 1981, England
PALESTRAND, I A - died 1913, England
PALESTRAND, Jack - born 1904, England, died 1939, England
PALESTRANDT, Harris - born 1897, Poland
PALESTRANT, Abram Moszek - born , died 1929
PALESTRANT, Alfred - born 1913, New York, died 1991, Florida
PALESTRANT, Annie - born 1876, Russia, died 1962, South Africa
PALESTRANT, Annie (1) - born 1894, Poland, died 1983, England
PALESTRANT, Ariah - born 1866, Russia Poland, died 1916, England
PALESTRANT, Arthur R. - born 1899, New York, died 1952, Ohio
PALESTRANT, Barbara Mattie - born 1978, Texas, died 1978, Texas
PALESTRANT, Beila - born 1825, Poland
PALESTRANT, Bessie - born 1886, England, died 1973, Illinois
PALESTRANT, Bessie (2) - born 1901, New York, died 1992, New York
PALESTRANT, Betsy (1) - born 1861, Poland
PALESTRANT, Caridad - born 1951, Cuba, died 2016
PALESTRANT, Charles S. - born 1898, New York, died 1941, Illinois
PALESTRANT, Daniel - born 1911, New York, died 1921, New York
PALESTRANT, Feige Beila - born 1894, POLAND, died
PALESTRANT, Harvey - born 1902, New York, died 1956, Texas
PALESTRANT, Helen - born 1911, Ohio, died 1991, California
PALESTRANT, Herman - born 1861, Poland, died 1946, Illinois
PALESTRANT, Hersz - born 1899, Poland, died 1981, Texas
PALESTRANT, Isaac - born 1906, New York City, died 1906, New York
PALESTRANT, Jack Stanley - born 1918, Ohio, died 2017, Arizona
PALESTRANT, Jacob (1) - born 1879, Poland), died 1954, New York
PALESTRANT, Jacob Enrique Jr. - born 1962, Texas, died 1992, Texas
PALESTRANT, Jacobo Enrique I - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
PALESTRANT, Joseph - born
PALESTRANT, Joseph I. (1) - born 1888, England, died 1980, California
PALESTRANT, Joseph Leopold - born 1912, England, died 1995, England
PALESTRANT, Kenneth Harold - born 1907, New York, died 1995, Ohio
PALESTRANT, Kenneth Paul - born 1948, West Virginia, died 1997, Ohio
PALESTRANT, Leah - born 1848, Russian Poland, died 1921, New York
PALESTRANT, Leib - born
PALESTRANT, Lena - born 1875, Poland, died 1934, California
PALESTRANT, Living (10) -
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PALESTRANT, Living (2) -
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PALESTRANT, Living (31) -
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PALESTRANT, Living (9) -
PALESTRANT, Loretta M. - born 1903, New York, died 1979, New York
PALESTRANT, Louis - born 1883, Poland, died 1960, New York
PALESTRANT, Lucia Emilia - born 1940, Cuba, died 1999, Cuba
PALESTRANT, Male - born 1899
PALESTRANT, Male (2) - born
PALESTRANT, Milton W. - born 1898, New York, died 1966, Florida
PALESTRANT, Moses - born 1871, Poland
PALESTRANT, Munroe W. - born 1916, Ohio, died 2004, Florida
PALESTRANT, Natan (3) - born
PALESTRANT, Natan Leib - born
PALESTRANT, Nathan - born 1941, died 2005
PALESTRANT, Norman A. - born 1900, New York, died 1979, Ohio
PALESTRANT, Paul - born 1881, Poland, died 1952, England
PALESTRANT, Pauline - born 1868, Poland, died 1935, Illinois
PALESTRANT, Peter (1) - born 1877, Russian Poland, died 1944, Ohio
PALESTRANT, Peter (2) - born 1893, New York, died 1956, Illinois
PALESTRANT, Pincas - born 1902, Poland, died 1992
PALESTRANT, Rachel - born 1888, England, died 1930, Illinois
PALESTRANT, Rebecca - born 1945, Cuba, died 2003, Cuba
PALESTRANT, Rose - born 1843, Russia, died 1918, England
PALESTRANT, Rose (2) - born 1916, England, died 2010, England
PALESTRANT, Sam - born
PALESTRANT, Shirley A. - born 1922, Ohio, died 2011, Florida
PALESTRANT, Shirley Phyllis - born 1928, Illinois, died 1986, Arizona
PALESTRANT, Simcha Mordecai - born , died 1914
PALESTRANT, Simche - born
PALESTRANT, Simon S. - born 1907, New York City, died 1991, New York
PALESTRANT, Solomon - born 1902, New York City, died 1977, Florida
PALESTRANT, Sophia - born 1904, New York City, died 2002
PALESTRANT, Stephen - born 1937, New York, died 1988, New York
PALESTRANT, Sylvia - born 1910, England, died 1999, England
PALESTRANT, Thelma - born 1913, Ohio, died 1990
PALESTRANT, Wolf - born 1906, Poland, died 2019, South America
PALESTRANT, Yehuda Leib - born Poland
PALISTRANT, Albert Daniel - born 1930, New York, died 1999, New York
PALISTRANT, Albert Samuel - born 1907, New York, died 1973, New York
PALISTRANT, Annette - born 1922, Illinois, died 1992, New York
PALISTRANT, Augusta - born 1879, England, died 1966
PALISTRANT, Emanuel Mat - born 1873, Poland, died 1946, New York
PALISTRANT, Jerry Michael - born 1954, New York, died 2012, New York
PALISTRANT, Joanne Ruth - born 1940, New York, died 1994, New York
PALISTRANT, Joseph Isaac - born 1892, New York, died 1992, Texas
PALISTRANT, Larry P. - born 1959, died 2012, New York
PALISTRANT, Living (033) -
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PALISTRANT, Living (9) -
PALISTRANT, Loretta M - born 1927, New York, died 2013, New York
PALISTRANT, Mary - born 1920, New York, died 1920, New York
PALISTRANT, Minnie - born 1877, England, died 1968, New York
PALISTRANT, Nettie - born 1882, New York, died 1939, New York
PALISTRANT, Peter (2) - born 1889, New York, died 1958, New York
PALISTRANT, Philip - born 1857, Poland, died 1939, New York
PALISTRANT, Ralph - born 1914, New York, died 1969
PALISTRANT, Robert Henry - born 1930, New York, died 2015, Texas
PALISTRANT, Sadye - born 1886, New York, died 1979, New York
PALISTRANT, William A. - born 1905, New York, died 1994, New York
PALISTRANT, William Leo - born 1923, New York, died 1991, New York
PAPALUCA, Frances - born 1914, Massachusetts, died 1959
PAUL, Charles - born 1894, Poland, died 1930
PAUL, Charlotte Selma - born 1919, Poland, died 1973, Massachusetts
PAUL, Hannah - born
PAUL, Irving - born 1896, Poland, died 1940
PAUL, Jean - born 1907, Poland, died 1952, Massachusetts
PAUL, Living -
PAUL, Living (2) -
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PAUL, Living (5) -
PAUL, Living (6) -
PAUL, Living (7) -
PAUL, Max - born 1897, Poland, died 1930
PAUL, Morris - born 1891, Poland, died 1938, Massachusetts
PAUL, Ruth - born 1927, Massachusetts, died 2006, Massachusetts
PAVLOVIC, Emilia - born 1917, Illinois, died 1988, Illinois
PERLBERG, Helen - born 1892, Poland, died 1973
PHILLIPS, Joseph - born 1887, California, died 1954, California
PIKARSKY, Goldie - born 1870, Russia
PINKASOWNA, Annie - born 1843, Russian Poland
POHL, Bertha - born 1900, New York
POHL, Emanuel - born 1876, Poland, died 1954, New York
POHL, Helen Selma - born 1912, New York, died 1994, New York
POHL, Mildred - born 1901, New York, died 1966, Illinois
POHL, Roslind - born 1907, New York
POPE, Ruth - born
POWERS, Grace - born Ireland
PRESIMENT, David Aaron - born 1870, Poland, died 1934, Illinois
PRESIMENT, Hyman - born
PRESIMENT, Hyman (1) - born 1906, Illinois, died 1957, Illinois
PRESIMENT, Joseph - born 1908, Illinois
PRESIMENT, Lillian - born 1901, Russia, died 1979, Florida
PRESIMENT, Minnie - born 1899, Poland, died 1956, Illinois
PRESIMENT, Samuel (2) - born 1903, Poland, died 1981, Illinois
REED, Clara Agnes - born 1898, Indiana, died 1989, California
REED, Hazel - born 1895, Indiana
REED, Walter - born 1892, Indiana
REED, Wesley J - born 1863, Indiana
ROBINSON, William - born 1884, England, died 1973, Illinois
ROLL, James D - born 1961, died 2011, New York
ROLL, Living -
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ROLL, Living (4) -
ROLL, Living (5) -
ROLL, Living (6) -
ROLL, Living (7) -
ROLL, Living (8) -
ROLL, Raymond F. Jr. - born 1926, New York, died 2013, New York
ROSEN, Annette - born
ROSENBERG, Beverly S - born 1936, Ohio, died 2017, Ohio
ROSENBERG, Louis - born 1910, Poland, died 1987
ROSENSTEIN, Ida - born Poland, died 1924, Illinois
ROSNER, Jacob M - born 1894, New York
ROSNER, Louis - born 1867, Austria, died 1894
RUSH, Joseph M - born , died 1964, Ohio
RUSH, Mildred - born , died 2003, Ohio
RYBA, Majer-Josel Dawidow - born
RYBA, Sarah 1 - born 1912, died 1974
SAMSON, Reeva - born 1907, died 1992
SCHACHTER, Gloria - born 1916, New York, died 1978
SCHAINBLATT, Jacob - born 1910, died 2012, California
SCHUSTERMAN, Joseph - born
SCHUSTERMAN, Mary - born 1879, New York, died 1943, Ohio
SCHWARTZ, Living -
SCHWARTZ, Living (2) -
SCHWARTZ, Saul - born
SCHWARTZ, Sheldon M - born 1934, died 2015, Ohio
SHARLACH, Ada - born 1901, England, died 1991, New York
SHEPARD, Richard - born 1922, died 2012, Florida
SHIELDS, David Joseph - born 1927, Ohio, died 1994, Florida
SHIELDS, Margaret Angela - born 1959, Florida, died 2006, Minnesota
SHUMAN, Harry - born , died
SIEGEL, Rose - born 1896, Illinois, died 1975, Illinois
SILBER, Irving - born , died 2011
SILBER, Living -
SKULLER, Matilda J. - born 1900, Ohio, died 1990, Florida
SKULLER, Nathan - born 1865, Russian German
SLIFKIN, May - born 1910, Prestwich Lancashire, died 1961, England
SPECTOR, Oscar J - born 1938, died 1994, Texas
STEIN, David Meyer - born
STEIN, Sallie - born 1901, Massachusetts, died 1933
STEINFELD, Salomon - born
STENNETT, Walter G - born 1900, Canada, died 1979, California
STERN, Henry Warren - born 1923, California, died 1974, California
STERN, Living -
STERN, Sidney - born 1900, died 1961
STERNBERG, Fannie - born 1872, Russ German
STRAUSSLER, Beatrice - born 1891, England, died 1982, England
SUNSHINE, Daniel J - born 1927, New York, died 2008, Connecticut
TIMM, Male - born
TRENT, Living -
TRENT, Living (2) -
TRYON, Estelle - born 1907, New York, died 1978, New York
UNKNOWN, Anna - born 1845, Germany
UNKNOWN, Annie - born 1856, Russia
UNKNOWN, Esther - born 1870, Russian Poland, died 1939, England
UNKNOWN, Female - born
UNKNOWN, Female (04) - born
UNKNOWN, Female (05) - born
UNKNOWN, Female (1) - born Poland
UNKNOWN, Female (2) - born
UNKNOWN, Female (3) - born
UNKNOWN, Female (4) - born
UNKNOWN, Female (5) - born Poland
UNKNOWN, Female (6) - born
UNKNOWN, Female (7) - born
UNKNOWN, Frieda - born 1885, Russia
UNKNOWN, Helen - born 1872, England
UNKNOWN, Issur Nachamon - born , died
UNKNOWN, Lena - born
UNKNOWN, Lenore - born 1909, New York, died 1950, New York
UNKNOWN, Mabel J - born 1904, New York, died 1941, New York
UNKNOWN, Minnie - born 1860, Russia
UNKNOWN, Rachel - born 1865, Latvia
UNKNOWN, Rose - born 1868, Austria
UNKNOWN, Rose (1) - born 1875, Poland, died 1965, Illinois
UNKNOWN, Ruth - born 1918, died 2011, Ohio
UNKNOWN, Sarah (1) - born
UNKNOWN, Sarah (2) - born
UNKNOWN, Sarah (3) - born
UNKNOWN, Tillie Charlotte - born 1907, died 1992, Massachusetts
UNKNOWN, Unknown Male - born
UNKNOWN, Yaakov (2) - born , died
UNKNOWN, Yetta - born 1872, New York, died 1910, New York
VICTOR, Unknown Male - born
WALSH, Thomas Patrick - born
WEAVER, Marilyn Sylvia - born 1940, New York, died 1999, New York
WEINSTEIN, Bessie - born 1886, New York
WEINSTEIN, Gussie - born 1882, New York
WEINSTEIN, Herman - born 1874, Russia
WEISS, Elmer - born 1906, New York
WEISS, Henry - born 1900, New York
WEISS, Herbert - born 1909, New York
WEISS, Julius - born 1869, Hungary German
WEISS, Norman - born 1907, New York
WEISS, Seward - born 1904, New York
WERTHEIMER, Bertha - born 1896, New York
WHALEY, Fredricka R - born 1913, died 1985, Missouri
WHITTAKER, May - born , died
WILL, Anna - born
WILLIAMS, Helen Agnes - born 1919, Ohio, died 2018, Ohio
WILLINSKY, Sadie - born 1894, New York
WOOLF, Katie - born 1879, England, died 1951, Massachusetts
WRIGHT, Beverly E. - born 1920, Illinois, died 1976, California
WRIGHT, Ross E. - born 1886, Indiana, died 1976, California
YAVITZ, Lester Harold - born 1910, Illinois, died 1998, Florida
YAVITZ, Living -
YAVITZ, Living (2) -
ZANKE, Living -
Please note that we have done our best to not include the
names of living family members in this tree, in order to
protect their privacy.
If you have questions, find any errors, have information to add,
find any information which should be privatized,
or just want to say hello, please do
contact us
This family tree is an updated version
of our Palestrant Families Family Tree at Rootsweb,
which was taken temporarily offline for security updates by Ancestry
in December 2017. While our tree at Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project
stopped being updateable by us, and did not have as many people as our updated tree here,
it had many more interesting features, including sources as well as ahnentafel,
pedigree and descendant reports for those people who are in the original tree.
If the ahnentafel, registry, descendancy or pedigree charts in our backup copy
are not complete enough for you, email us using the Contact Us link below, and we will try to help.
The URL for that older but enhanced version of our tree should be http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=palestrant
but is more reliably reached at
Modified November 23, 2020 06:48 PM UTC
Database maintained by The Cohens
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