This page consists of up to 50 profiles of people in this database. Each profile can contain information about that person's parents, spouses, and children, if we know about them, with links to the profiles of those people. And for deceased family members, we have posted whatever we know about their births, marriages, and deaths, along with notes and sometimes their occupations.
For best results, we suggest you start with a known family member, and either use your browser's find tool to find the person you are looking for, or look for their name in our name index. Once you find them, click on their name, and that will take you to that person's profile. Then, as you read that person's profile, you can click on the names of their parents, spouses and children to obtain more information about these immediate relatives by visiting their profiles.
Note that the people on this page are not listed in any logical order, and the fact that any two people are on this page or that their profiles are next to each other only means that their database ID numbers happen to be close, but that has nothing to do with how closely related they are to each other. Sometimes immediate relatives will happen to be next to each other on these pages, but that is not something that can be counted on. For the best results, please follow the instructions provided above for browsing the tree.
Sex: Male
Father: Rudolph Kaye - born 1911, Massachusetts, died 1977, Florida
Mother: Selma Hirsh - born 1911, Massachusetts, died 2007, Florida
Sex: Female
Father: Living (3) Palastrant -
Mother: Living Kaye -
Living (30) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Father: Living (3) Palastrant -
Mother: Living Kaye -
Sex: Female
Living (6) Palestrant -
Sex: Female
Jacob Enrique Jr. Palestrant - born 1962, Texas, died 1992, Texas
Sex: Female
Born: 12 Aug 1939, St. Hedwig, Texas
Died: 24 Apr 1994, St. Hedwig, Texas
Buried: Wednesday, Apr 27, 1994, St Hedwig's Catholic Church Cemetery, St Hedwig, Texas
Occupation: Waitress, then Sales Representative
Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Married Oct 8, 1966, Bexar, Texas
Divorced June 27, 1980, Bexar, Texas
Notes for Julia Aurora Ahumada
NOTE: parents, Malaquias B. Ahumada and Porfiria Valdez Ahumada per obituary
Sex: Female
Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Sex: Female
Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1926
Died: 17 Sep 2002, Fredericktown, Missouri
Buried: 2002, Antioch Cemetery
Father: Edward Laplant - born
Mother: Ruth Pope - born
Spouse 1:
Living (35) LIVING -
Spouse 2:
Clarence Naken - born 1917, Illinois, died 1993, Florida
Married 15 Dec 1986, Pinellas, Florida
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1870, Russia
Died: 1943, Buffalo, New York
Buried: 1943, Lubavitch Congregation Cemetery, Cheektowaga, Erie, New York
Occupation: Junk Peddler
Mary Grozien - born 1879, Russia, died New York
Married abt 1898, New York
Notes for Isadore Cheiffetz
NOTE: immgrated 1885, naturalized
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1879, Russia
Died: unknown, probably Buffalo, New York
Buried: unknown, probably Lubavitch Congregation Cemetery, Cheektowaga, Erie, New York
Isadore Cheiffetz - born 1870, Russia, died 1943, New York
Married abt 1898, New York
Notes for Mary Grozien
NAME NOTE: maiden name from public tree at ancestry
Sex: Female
Father: Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Mother: Julia Aurora Ahumada - born 1939, Texas, died 1994, Texas
Spouse 1:
Living (42) LIVING -
Spouse 2:
Living (18) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Living (15) Palestrant -
Sex: Male
Father: Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Mother: Julia Aurora Ahumada - born 1939, Texas, died 1994, Texas
Spouse 1:
Living (19) LIVING -
Spouse 2:
Living (21) LIVING -
Spouse 3:
Living (20) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Living (16) Palestrant -
Sex: Female
Living (16) Palestrant -
Sex: Female
Born: Dec 1, 1978, Bexar, Texas
Died: Dec 1, 1978, Bexar, Texas
Father: Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Mother: Living (16) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Father: Living (6) Palestrant -
Mother: Living (14) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Father: Jacob Enrique Jr. Palestrant - born 1962, Texas, died 1992, Texas
Mother: Living (15) LIVING -
Living (73) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Father: Jacob Enrique Jr. Palestrant - born 1962, Texas, died 1992, Texas
Mother: Living (15) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Living (16) Palestrant -
Sex: Male
Father: Living (16) Palestrant -
Mother: Living (21) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Father: Jacobo Enrique I Palestrant - born 1942, Cuba, died 2004, Texas
Mother: Julia Aurora Ahumada - born 1939, Texas, died 1994, Texas
Living (22) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Living (21) Palestrant -
Sex: Male
Father: Living (21) Palestrant -
Mother: Living (22) LIVING -
Living (23) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Living (22) Palestrant -
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1895, Illinois
Father: Jacob Levin - born 1866, England
Mother: Helen Unknown - born 1872, England
Peter (2) Palestrant - born 1893, New York, died 1956, Illinois
Married 1923, Chicago, Illinois
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1891
Peter (2) Palestrant - born 1893, New York, died 1956, Illinois
Married 28 Oct 1912, Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1848, Russian Poland
Died: 7 Nov 1921, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Buried: 8 Nov 1921, Acacia Cemetery, Liberty Ave., Ozone Park, New York
Other Names:
Father: Yehuda Leib Palestrant - born Poland
Mother: Chaya Sassha Kopel - born Poland
Morris Davis - born 1845, Russian Poland, died 1916, New York
Married abt 1863, Poland
Notes for Leah Palestrant
NAME NOTE: name Leah on death record and 1900 and 1920 censuses, maiden name from Meyer's marriage and from her death record
BIRTH NOTE: her death record shows a birth date of 5 May 1854 which is totally inconsistent with the census records for her, that gave her birth years of 1845, 1848 and 1850.
DEATH NOTE: g: Davis Leah 67 y Nov 7 1921 18034 Kings D120 3184593 New York City Munipal Deaths:
NOTE: widowed and living with Abraham and Rebecca Lasher in 1920 census in Brooklyn, still alien status
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1845, Russian Poland
Died: 15 Aug 1916, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Buried: Aug 1916, Acacia Cemetery, Liberty Ave., Ozone Park, New York
Other Names:
Leah Palestrant - born 1848, Russian Poland, died 1921, New York
Married abt 1863, Poland
Sex: Male
Born: abt Sep 1875, Russian Poland
Other Names:
Occupation: Tailor Men's Coats and operator men's clothing
Father: Morris Davis - born 1845, Russian Poland, died 1916, New York
Mother: Leah Palestrant - born 1848, Russian Poland, died 1921, New York
Eva Meyer - born 1877, Austria/Poland
Married 2 Jul 1901, Manhattan, New York, New York
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1877, Radomisebl, Austria/Poland
Spouse 1:
Louis Rosner - born 1867, Austria, died 1894
Spouse 2:
Meyer Davis - born 1875, Russian Poland
Married 2 Jul 1901, Manhattan, New York, New York
Notes for Eva Meyer
BIRTH NOTE: town is from son Jacob's birth record
NOTE: parents per her second marriage record transcription are "Nathan Meyerr" and "Sima Milbwer"
Sex: Female
Born: May 1878, Poland
Died: 6 Jan 1943, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Buried: 8 Jan 1943, Bayside Cemetery
Other Names:
Occupation: Finisher Ladie's Coats in 1940
Father: Morris Davis - born 1845, Russian Poland, died 1916, New York
Mother: Leah Palestrant - born 1848, Russian Poland, died 1921, New York
Abraham Lasher - born 1876, Russia, died 1949
Married abt 1897, New York
Notes for Rebecca Davis
OCCUPATION NOTE: she was not listed as working on the other censuses, just in 1940
BIRTH NOTE: 1900 census gives birth May 1878, death record gives 19 Jul 1882, most census records place her birth before 1880, and on the 1940 census, when she was the respondent, she was age 63
DEATH NOTE: death cert transcription:
NOTE: looks like immigrated abt 1885, likely with mother and siblings
Sex: Female
Born: abt Oct 1880, Russian Poland
Father: Morris Davis - born 1845, Russian Poland, died 1916, New York
Mother: Leah Palestrant - born 1848, Russian Poland, died 1921, New York
Herman Weinstein - born 1874, Russia
Married abt 1905, probably New York
Sex: Male
Born: Sep 1876, Russia
Died: 8 Aug 1949
Other Names:
Occupation: Tailor, then Sewing Operator and Operator Men's Clothing
Rebecca Davis - born 1878, Poland, died 1943, New York
Married abt 1897, New York
Notes for Abraham Lasher
BIRTH NOTE: ages in 1920 and 1930 census indicate birthdate in 1875
NOTE: immigrated 1890-1893 on various census records, alien in 1920 census, naturalized on 1930 census
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1907, New York
Other Names:
Occupation: Stenographer Law Office
Father: Abraham Lasher - born 1876, Russia, died 1949
Mother: Rebecca Davis - born 1878, Poland, died 1943, New York
Notes for Frieda Lasher
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1867, Meliez, Austria
Died: BET 1894 AND 1900
Eva Meyer - born 1877, Austria/Poland
Notes for Louis Rosner
BIRTH NOTE: information is from son Jacob's birth entry
Sex: Male
Born: 18 Nov 1894, Manhattan, New York, New York
Occupation: Electrician in 1920
Father: Louis Rosner - born 1867, Austria, died 1894
Mother: Eva Meyer - born 1877, Austria/Poland
Sex: Female
Born: 8 May 1902, Manhattan, New York
Other Names:
Occupation: Saleslady at Dept Store in 1920
Father: Meyer Davis - born 1875, Russian Poland
Mother: Eva Meyer - born 1877, Austria/Poland
Notes for Martha Davis
BIRTH NOTE: birth record transcription:
Sex: Female
Born: 26 Jul 1904, Manhattan, New York
Father: Meyer Davis - born 1875, Russian Poland
Mother: Eva Meyer - born 1877, Austria/Poland
Notes for Frieda Davis
BIRTH NOTE: birth transcription:
Sex: Male
Born: 5 Sep 1908, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Died: 17 Jun 1956, Great Neck, New York 56
Buried: 1956, Long Islan National Cemetery, East Farmingdale, Suffolk, New York
Other Names:
Father: Meyer Davis - born 1875, Russian Poland
Mother: Eva Meyer - born 1877, Austria/Poland
Gloria Schachter - born 1916, New York, died 1978
Married 7 May 1938, Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Notes for Sidney Norman Davis
BIRTH NOTE: birth record at familysearch: this is definitely him, parents listed are Meyer Davis and Eva Meyer
Sex: Male
Born: ??
Other Names:
Cecille Eleanor Pales - born 1917, Illinois, died 1983, Illinois
Married 21 May 1951, Chicago, Illinois
Notes for Harry Shuman
NAME NOTE: surname is Shuman on marriage record
NOTE: This man disappeared after the wedding, may have just gotten married in order to wheedle money out of the family.
Sex: Male
Born: 31 Aug 1911, New Haven, Connecticut
Died: 15 Jun 1977, Skokie, Illinois
Buried: abt 17 Jun 1977, Westlawn, Norridge, Cemetery
Other Names:
Occupation: Men's clothing business
Esther (1) Pales - born 1919, Illinois, died 1990, Illinois
Married 25 Sep 1942, Chicago, Illinois
Notes for Irwin Frey
NOTE: father Herman Frey and mother Minnie Rosenblum
Sex: Male
Born: 28 Nov 1913
Died: 6 Jul 2004, Boca Raton, Florida
Marilyn E. Pales - born 1920, Illinois, died 2015, Florida
Notes for Julian Crum
DEATH NOTE: SSDI Genealogy Bank: Julian Crum State of Issue: Illinois Birth: Friday November 28, 1913 Death: Tuesday July 06, 2004 Est. Age: 90 years, 7 months, 8 days Confirmation: Verified Last known residence: City: Boca Raton County: Palm Beach State: Florida ZIP Code: 33433
Sex: Male
Father: Lester Harold Yavitz - born 1910, Illinois, died 1998, Florida
Mother: Evelyn Pales - born 1913, Illinois, died 1993, Florida
Sex: Male
Father: Lester Harold Yavitz - born 1910, Illinois, died 1998, Florida
Mother: Evelyn Pales - born 1913, Illinois, died 1993, Florida
Sex: Female
Born: 25 Dec 1902, Ekaterinoslav, Russia
Died: Dec 1989
Other Names:
Louis (2) Pales - born 1898, Poland, died 1967, Illinois
Notes for Isabel Belinoff
NAME NOTE: name Bella before Americanized
BIRTH NOTE: date of birth varies in records between 1900 and 1904, naturalization shows 1902
Sex: Male
Born: 27 Oct 1938
Died: 15 May 1994, Texas
Living (7) Palestrant -
Sex: Female
Born: 25 Aug 1943
Died: 4 Mar 1992
Buried: Tiverton Cemetery, Coshocton County, Ohio
Father: Willard Arthur Jr Guy - born 1916, Ohio, died 2010, Ohio
Mother: Helen Agnes Williams - born 1919, Ohio, died 2018, Ohio
Living (14) Palestrant -
Notes for Zelma Lee Guy
NOTE: parents Willard Arthur GUY b: 8 Jul 1916 and Helen Agnes WILLIAMS b: 5 Apr 1919 per tree at WorldConnect
Sex: Female
Living (14) Palestrant -
Please note that we have done our best to not include the names of living family members in this tree, in order to protect their privacy. If you have questions, find any errors, have information to add, find any information which should be privatized, or just want to say hello, please do contact us .
This family tree is an updated version of our Palestrant Families Family Tree at Rootsweb, which was taken temporarily offline for security updates by Ancestry in December 2017. While our tree at Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project stopped being updateable by us, and did not have as many people as our updated tree here, it had many more interesting features, including sources as well as ahnentafel, pedigree and descendant reports for those people who are in the original tree.
If the ahnentafel, registry, descendancy or pedigree charts in our backup copy are not complete enough for you, email us using the Contact Us link below, and we will try to help. The URL for that older but enhanced version of our tree is
Modified January 31, 2020 04:22 AM UTC
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