This page consists of up to 50 profiles of people in this database. Each profile can contain information about that person's parents, spouses, and children, if we know about them, with links to the profiles of those people. And for deceased family members, we have posted whatever we know about their births, marriages, and deaths, along with notes and sometimes their occupations.
For best results, we suggest you start with a known family member, and either use your browser's find tool to find the person you are looking for, or look for their name in our name index. Once you find them, click on their name, and that will take you to that person's profile. Then, as you read that person's profile, you can click on the names of their parents, spouses and children to obtain more information about these immediate relatives by visiting their profiles.
Note that the people on this page are not listed in any logical order, and the fact that any two people are on this page or that their profiles are next to each other only means that their database ID numbers happen to be close, but that has nothing to do with how closely related they are to each other. Sometimes immediate relatives will happen to be next to each other on these pages, but that is not something that can be counted on. For the best results, please follow the instructions provided above for browsing the tree.
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1900, New York
Father: Julius Weiss - born 1869, Hungary German
Mother: Yetta Unknown - born 1872, New York, died 1910, New York
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1904, New York
Father: Julius Weiss - born 1869, Hungary German
Mother: Yetta Unknown - born 1872, New York, died 1910, New York
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1906, New York
Occupation: Grocery Store Clerk in 1930, Advertizing Manager in 1940
Father: Julius Weiss - born 1869, Hungary German
Mother: Yetta Unknown - born 1872, New York, died 1910, New York
Notes for Elmer Weiss
EDUCATION 4 yrs high school
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1907, New York
Occupation: Life Insurance Sales in 1930, Restaurant Manager in 1940
Father: Julius Weiss - born 1869, Hungary German
Mother: Yetta Unknown - born 1872, New York, died 1910, New York
Notes for Norman Weiss
EDUCATION high school 4 years
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1909, New York
Father: Julius Weiss - born 1869, Hungary German
Mother: Yetta Unknown - born 1872, New York, died 1910, New York
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1911, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Died: 2 May 1967, Hempstead, New York
Buried: 5 May 1967, Plot 6, Maimonides Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York
Father: Abraham Lasher - born 1876, Russia, died 1949
Mother: Rebecca Davis - born 1878, Poland, died 1943, New York
Herbert Edward Mohr - born 1891, Massachusetts
Married 7 Jul 1929, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Notes for this couple
A MARRIAGE NOTE: nymig: Mohr Herbert Edward Jul 7 1929 12011 Kings M600 2002104 Lasher Beatrice Jul 7 1929 12011 Kings L260 2013938
Notes for Pearl Beatrice Lasher
EDUCATION 2 yrs high school per 1940 census
Sex: Female
Born: 30 Mar 1913, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Died: 31 Jan 2001, Flushing, Queens, New York
Other Names:
Occupation: Stenographer in Law Office in 1940
Father: Abraham Lasher - born 1876, Russia, died 1949
Mother: Rebecca Davis - born 1878, Poland, died 1943, New York
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1874, Russia
Occupation: Cigar Maker
Mother: Annie Unknown - born 1856, Russia
Sarah Davis - born 1880, Russian Poland
Married abt 1905, probably New York
Sex: Male
Born: ??, New York, New York
Anna Will - born
Sex: Female
Born: ??
Henry H Meussling - born New York
Sex: Female
Born: 2 Oct 1926
Died: 7 Jul 2003, Broward County, Florida
Jack Pales - born 1924, Poland, died 2015, Florida
Married 3 May 1953, New York City, New York
Sex: Male
Born: ??
Celia Cohen - born
Sex: Female
Born: ??
David Meyer Stein - born
Sex: Male
Born: 16 Aug 1922, Salford, Greater Manchester, England
Died: 20 Oct 1994, Prestwich, Greater Manchester, England
Buried: Failsworth, Greater Manchester, England
Other Names:
Father: Joseph Millman - born 1892, died 1968, England
Mother: Annie (1) Palestrant - born 1894, Poland, died 1983, England
Shirley R Barnett - born 1932, England, died
Married Apr-May-Jun 1958, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Notes for Lionel Israel Millman
NAME NOTE: middlename from death record
BIRTH NOTE: GRO reference: Jul-Aug-Sep vol 8d page 139
DEATH NOTE: exact date from probate calendar. GRO register entry was in Bury: C44B, Dist 0031C, entry 93
Sex: Female
Born: 10 Feb 1932, Manchester North, Lancashire, England
Died: ??
Lionel Israel Millman - born 1922, England, died 1994, England
Married Apr-May-Jun 1958, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Notes for Shirley R Barnett
BIRTH NOTE: GRO Reference: Vol 8d, page 571 mother's maiden name Frankenstein
DEATH NOTE: must be deceased as name is on 39 register but she appears in electoral rolls for 2003-2006 so may not be on death index
Sex: Male
Born: 27 Nov 1927, Fostoria, Ohio
Died: 3 Jan 1994, Kissimmee, Osceola, Florida
Eileen Agnes Campbell - born 1925, Canada, died 2007
Married 1953, Broward, Florida
Sex: Male
Joan Shirley Neumann - born 1930, California, died 1995, CA
Sex: Male
Born: 24 Jul 1906, Buffalo, New York
Died: 20 Nov 1966, Los Angeles County, California
Father: Isaac Goldberg - born 1879, Missouri, died 1963
Mother: Augusta Palistrant - born 1879, England, died 1966
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1906, Ohio
Occupation: Saleslady, Ladies Clothing Store
Father: Wallace R Kirk - born 1876, Ohio
Mother: May Baker - born 1879, Ohio
Spouse 1:
Kenneth Harold Palestrant - born 1907, New York, died 1995, Ohio
Married abt 1927, probably Ohio
Spouse 2:
Clarence Kussmaul - born
Married 19 Jan 1950, Muskingum County, Ohio
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1876, Ohio
Occupation: Fireman at Ice factory
May Baker - born 1879, Ohio
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1866, England
Helen Unknown - born 1872, England
Married abt 1892, United States or England
Notes for Jacob Levin
NOTE: immig 1890 natlz per 1930 census
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1872, England
Jacob Levin - born 1866, England
Married abt 1892, United States or England
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1856, Russia
Spouse: Married
Notes for Annie Unknown
NOTE: had 9 children, only 5 surviving per 1910 census
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1882, New York
Mother: Annie Unknown - born 1856, Russia
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1886, New York
Mother: Annie Unknown - born 1856, Russia
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1879, Ohio
Other Names:
Wallace R Kirk - born 1876, Ohio
Notes for May Baker
NAME NOTE: maiden name from daughter's remarriage in 1950, given name on 1930 census
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1902, Ohio
Occupation: Barber
Father: Wallace R Kirk - born 1876, Ohio
Mother: May Baker - born 1879, Ohio
Sex: Male
Born: abt 1912, Buffalo, New York
Father: Isaac Goldberg - born 1879, Missouri, died 1963
Mother: Augusta Palistrant - born 1879, England, died 1966
Sex: Male
Father: Living (1) LIVING -
Mother: Rose (2) Palestrant - born 1916, England, died 2010, England
Sex: Male
Father: Living (1) LIVING -
Mother: Rose (2) Palestrant - born 1916, England, died 2010, England
Sex: Female
Father: Joseph Leopold Palestrant - born 1912, England, died 1995, England
Mother: Muriel Averbach - born 1927, died 1989, West Sussex
Living (40) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Father: Joseph Leopold Palestrant - born 1912, England, died 1995, England
Mother: Muriel Averbach - born 1927, died 1989, West Sussex
Living (41) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Living Trent -
Sex: Female
Living (2) Trent -
Sex: Male
Born: March 1857, Russia
Occupation: Paper Box Manufacture 1900, Clothing Peddler 1910
Minnie Unknown - born 1860, Russia
Married abt 1878, Russia
Sex: Female
Born: abt May 1860, Russia
Joseph Margolis - born 1857, Russia
Married abt 1878, Russia
Sex: Male
Father: William Leo Palistrant - born 1923, New York, died 1991, New York
Mother: Living (25) LIVING -
Spouse 1:
Living Narowski -
Spouse 2:
Living (56) LIVING -
Sex: Female
Father: Robert A Narowski - born 1931, died 1981, New York
Mother: Geraldine Klosinski - born 1933, died 2017, New York
Spouse 1:
Living (8) Palistrant -
Spouse 2:
Living (77) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Father: Living (8) Palistrant -
Mother: Living Narowski -
Spouse 1:
Living (58) LIVING -
Spouse 2:
Living (78) LIVING -
Sex: Male
Living (15) Palestrant -
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1892, New York
Father: Samuel Lustig - born Poland
Mother: Ida Rosenstein - born Poland, died 1924, Illinois
Sex: Female
Born: abt 1898, Minnesota
Father: Samuel Lustig - born Poland
Mother: Ida Rosenstein - born Poland, died 1924, Illinois
Sex: Female
Born: ??
Father: Samuel Lustig - born Poland
Mother: Ida Rosenstein - born Poland, died 1924, Illinois
Sex: Male
Born: ??
Father: Samuel Lustig - born Poland
Mother: Ida Rosenstein - born Poland, died 1924, Illinois
Sex: Male
Lucia Emilia Palestrant - born 1940, Cuba, died 1999, Cuba
Sex: Female
Nathan Palestrant - born 1941, died 2005
Sex: Male
Rebecca Palestrant - born 1945, Cuba, died 2003, Cuba
Sex: Male
Born: ??
Szoza-Rywka Abramowna-Szajewna - born
Sex: Female
Born: ??
Majer-Josel Dawidow Ryba - born
Sex: Male
Born: Dec 1878, Russia
Occupation: Shipping Clerk 1900, Salesman Furs 1910
Father: Joseph Margolis - born 1857, Russia
Mother: Minnie Unknown - born 1860, Russia
Please note that we have done our best to not include the names of living family members in this tree, in order to protect their privacy. If you have questions, find any errors, have information to add, find any information which should be privatized, or just want to say hello, please do contact us .
This family tree is an updated version of our Palestrant Families Family Tree at Rootsweb, which was taken temporarily offline for security updates by Ancestry in December 2017. While our tree at Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project stopped being updateable by us, and did not have as many people as our updated tree here, it had many more interesting features, including sources as well as ahnentafel, pedigree and descendant reports for those people who are in the original tree.
If the ahnentafel, registry, descendancy or pedigree charts in our backup copy are not complete enough for you, email us using the Contact Us link below, and we will try to help. The URL for that older but enhanced version of our tree is
Modified January 31, 2020 04:20 AM UTC
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